Fundamentals of Compose Layouts and Modifiers: Crafting Dynamic UIs
Mircea Ioan Soit
Senior Android Developer | Business Owner | Contractor | Team Builder | Founder of IC & Codertal
Part of the series "Android Development Series by Mircea Ioan Soit"
Jetpack Compose redefines how Android developers build UIs by introducing a declarative approach. At the heart of this framework lie Layouts and Modifiers—two foundational concepts that empower developers to create responsive, flexible, and visually stunning interfaces.
This article explores the fundamentals of Compose layouts and modifiers, guiding you through building dynamic UIs with precision and creativity.
1. Understanding Compose Layouts
Compose layouts determine how composables are arranged on the screen. They replace traditional XML-based layouts like LinearLayout, ConstraintLayout, and FrameLayout.
Common Compose Layouts
Column Arranges children vertically:
fun ColumnExample() {
Column {
Text("Item 1")
Text("Item 2")
Text("Item 3")
Row Arranges children horizontally:
fun RowExample() {
Row {
Text("Item 1")
Text("Item 2")
Text("Item 3")
Box Stacks children on top of each other:
fun BoxExample() {
Box {
Text("Layer 1")
Text("Layer 2")
LazyColumn / LazyRow Efficiently renders scrollable lists:
fun LazyColumnExample() {
LazyColumn {
items(100) { index ->
Text("Item #$index")
2. Custom Layouts with Layout
For advanced use cases, you can define custom layouts using the Layout composable. This gives you complete control over measuring and positioning children.
Example: Custom Layout
fun CustomLayout(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
Layout(content = content) { measurables, constraints ->
// Measure children
val placeables = { measurable ->
// Layout children
layout(width = constraints.maxWidth, height = constraints.maxHeight) {
placeables.forEach { placeable -> = 0, y = 0)
3. What Are Modifiers?
Modifiers in Compose are a powerful way to:
Think of them as a declarative replacement for properties and methods in the View system.
Commonly Used Modifiers
Modifier.clickable { /* Handle click */ }
4. Combining Modifiers
Modifiers are chainable, allowing you to apply multiple effects:
.clickable { /* Handle click */ }
The order of chaining matters. For example:
.background(Color.Green) // Background is drawn within padding
5. Alignment in Compose
Compose provides alignment options to position content within layouts:
Horizontal Alignment
Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { ... }
Vertical Alignment
Row(verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) { ... }
6. Best Practices for Layouts and Modifiers
Keep Modifiers Clean Avoid overly complex modifier chains. Split them into reusable functions if needed.
fun Modifier.cardStyle(): Modifier = this
Optimize Performance Use remember and rememberSaveable for stateful composables to avoid unnecessary recompositions.
Utilize Previews Test different layout configurations using Compose Previews:
@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun LayoutPreview() {
7. Exploring Advanced Layouts
Compose introduces additional layout constructs like:
fun ConstraintExample() {
ConstraintLayout {
val (box, text) = createRefs()
.constrainAs(box) {
Modifier.constrainAs(text) {
Understanding layouts and modifiers is essential to mastering Jetpack Compose. These tools give you unprecedented control over your app’s UI, making it easier to create dynamic and responsive designs. By combining them effectively, you can unlock the full potential of Compose and take your apps to the next level.