Fundamental Physical Layer Principles Underlying Uplink Power Control (PC) and Outer Loop Link Adaptation (OLLA)
Manoharan Ramalingam
Founder & Chief Curious Learner at Stealth Startup | Hiring Interns
Uplink power control (PC) is a widely recognized concept aimed at regulating UE power to attain a specified SINR. Simultaneously, uplink outer loop link adaptation (OLLA) involves determining the filtered operating SINR and its associated Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) to operate within that SINR range. It also considers errors occurring at the operating MCS, adjusting its decision to scale up or down the MCS for optimal data rate. While specific implementations may differ among vendor products, the basic functionality remains consistent across all products.
It's noteworthy to emphasize that during field trials, the UL PC/OLLA modules are the challenging components that demand a significant portion of developer time.
But the question is,
Understanding the reasons and solutions to the aforementioned questions is rooted in certain fundamental physical layer (Layer-1) principles. This comprehension is crucial for the design, debugging, and analysis of the UL PC/OLLA algorithm, especially in dynamic channel conditions and unpredictable mobility within uncontrolled field environments.
The article is organized into the following sections,
Underlying Fundamental Principles
Underlying Fundamental Principles
Power Allocation Strategies:
There are two types of uplink power allocation strategies [3],
In an uncontrolled field environment, when a wireless signal is transmitted between a Base Station and a Mobile device, it experiences fading. Fading is a comprehensive term encompassing all wireless impairments caused by obstacles, both stationary and mobile, varying distances, and speeds.
Channel Inversion Strategy:
This is a strategy to handle slow fading; slow fading as the name suggests the fading happens slowly, pathloss and shadowing are the types of slow fading.
The strategy is to keep the received SNR constant irrespective of the channel gain. so that there is zero outage probability, and to control the transmit power such that the rate can be delivered no matter what the fading state is.
In this strategy, in the UL power control. for example, a TX is transmitting using 2dBm power per PRB and the receiver receives power of -98dBm per PRB, then the Channel Gain = ratio of the received signal power to the transmitted signal power, is -98dBm/2dBm = -100dB. This means the signal power is attenuated by 100dB due to fading. So the channel inversion strategy is to compensate the attenuated power to avoid outage and also to maintain a stable rate within the limit of the maximum transmit power fixed for that mobile.
In the 5G NR UL PC, these path-loss/shadowing compensations are done in two ways:
In a full compensation scheme, the computed attenuation due to path-loss/shadowing is fully compensated. The Full Compensation scheme aims to uphold a consistent Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) at the receiver. UEs elevate their transmit power to entirely offset any rise in path loss.
If you remember the PUSCH transmit power equation for the UE in the physical layer standard (38.213) is given as,
P_PUSCH = min { Pcmax , PO_PUSCH(i)+ 10×LOG(MPUSCH(i)) + [PL × ɑ(i)] + ?TF(i) + f(i)}
there is a below component in the equation,
α = 1; for a full compensation scheme.
PL is the general term used to refer to path-loss/shadowing in 3GPP
Fractional Power Control (FPC) Scheme:
In the FPC scheme, where the computed attenuation due to path-loss/shadowing is compensated partially in the UE.
Whereas in,
α = {0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1}
PL is the general term used to refer to path-loss/shadowing in 3GPP.
for example, if Alpha = 0.8, 80% attenuation of path-loss/shadowing will be compensated in the UE and the BS will adjust the remaining transmission power in fractional steps; for example, if the signal quality is better than required, the power may be reduced by a certain percentage; if the quality is worse, it may be increased, this is called a Fractional Power Control scheme or FPC.
How the P0, α, and IoT Parameters impact the FPC Scheme:
The parameter, P0 (represents the Base-Station received power per PRB assuming a path loss of 0 dB; it can be called Target Power Spectral Density), is also important in the FPC scheme.
The P0 is mainly defined in two ways. In the first method of P0 selection, α is fixed as one selected optimum value, such as 0.8, and P0 is searched for the optimum value in each simulation scenario. For example. we can simulate different P0 values say, -84dBm to -65dBm for a fixed Alpha, say 0.8, and we can plot the simulation results of these scenarios in Sector SE (average throughput) vs Cell-Edge SE (average cell edge throughput), the P0 which gives the highest Sector SE and Cell-Edge SE should be selected. If the P0 is not well selected, the sector SE and cell-edge SE degrades at the same time.
Some of the ideas for selecting P0 and α: To plot the average cell/sector spectral efficiency and the fifth percentile of the UE throughput, respectively, versus α for different values of P0. For example, α will be x-axis of the plot taking all the possible values defined in 3GPP from 0 to 1, and y-axis is the average cell SE for one plot and the average 5th percentile of the UE throughput for another plot; for different P0 values like P0 =-120dBm/-100dBm/-80dBm/-60dBm/-40dBm/-20dBm, different simulations can be done and plotted. Using these two plots Avg. cell SE Vs. Alpha and Avg. 5th percentile UE throughput Vs. Alpha, the P0/Alpha combo should be selected from these plots based on our requirements like, P0/Alpha which is good for Avg. cell SE (Or) P0/Alpha which is good for Avg. 5th percentile UE throughput (Or) P0/Alpha which will give balanced best SE and cell edge throughput.
In the second method of P0 selection, P0 is transformed from α value and cell-edge target SNR and given by [1],
P0 = α x (SNRTarget?+ PSDn) + (1-α) x PSDMax;
- FPC allows for smooth and gradual adjustments to the transmission power, helping to maintain a balance between conserving power and ensuring reliable communication. It adjusts the power in small fractions or steps, typically expressed as a percentage of the total power.
- The FPC permits the decline of received SINR with increasing path loss, meaning that the received SINR decreases as the UE moves toward the cell edge. The UE adjusts its transmit power at a diminished rate in response to increasing path loss (path loss compensation), i.e., increases in path loss are only partially compensated. For example, if a cell center user is seeing 100dB path-loss, for alpha=0.8, it will compensate 80dB, and the remaining 20dB is dynamically handled, so the received SINR = P0 - (1-Alpha)PL - I-N, -79dBm - 20dB - I-N = 99dBm - I-N. Where a cell edge user is seeing a 130dB path-loss, for alpha=0.8, it will compensate 104dB, and the remaining 26dB is dynamically handled, so the received SINR = P0 - (1-Alpha)PL - I-N, -79dBm - 26dB - I-N = -105dBm - I-N. So, the FPC permits the decline of received SINR with increasing path-loss. In the FPC, the received power per PRB decreases as the path loss increases. Whereas in a full compensation scheme, the received power per PRB remains constant as path loss increases.
- The FPC enables UEs at the cell center to transmit at reduced power per PRB compared to UEs at the cell edge. For example, a cell center user with received SINR = -99dBm - I-N per PRB from the above example, can choose better MCS, and the I+N will be low, so it can transmit reduced power per PRB, but at the same time add more number of PRBs, so the cell center user is bandwidth limited user. Whereas a cell edge user will have high I+N and 26dB (from the above example) remaining PL to compensate, so it has to send each PRB with high power, so for lower SINR it has to use low MCS and use high transmit power per PRB, it will not be able to add max PRBs, as the user is power limited.
A higher P0 (with fixed α) means an overall received SINR per user increase. On the other hand, a lower α (with fixed P0) not only decreases the SINR but also spreads the curve which leads to a higher differentiation in terms of experienced SINR between cell-edge and cell-center users. In a real system, however, the interference level is also a function of P0 and α which is expected to have a certain impact on the SINR distribution. The below plot illustrates it [2].
Let’s de?ne the experienced received SINR per user S as [1]:
S=P?L?IoT ?N [dB]
P = P0
L = (1-α) x PL
IoT = Interference over Thermal, the IoT level in the linear domain is calculated as the ratio of interference plus thermal noise over thermal noise.
N = thermal noise
The FPC Scheme Simulation Results and Analysis:
2. The performance of the FPC algorithm is analyzed, where the cell capacity (a) and coverage (b) are plotted as a function of the average IoT for different α values in the first cell scenario. It can be seen that an FPC approach translates into a gain in cell throughput but penalizes cell-edge performance for a given IoT operating point. This is simulated in a cell where there is no limitation in power as they are in an interference-limited scenario. The below plot illustrates it [2].
In the above plot for Average IoT vs cell capacity, alpha=0.6 gives the better capacity at 14dB IoT, one of the reasons is the P0 is chosen very high as -58dBm, but at the same, it gives less coverage at 14dB IoT compared to alpha=0.8. If we want to choose the best capacity-giving parameters then alpha=0.6 is good, but if we want to give both capacity and coverage, alpha=0.8 is good. Whereas the alpha=0.8 gives balanced capacity and coverage at 12dB IoT.
Why should alpha=0.6 should perform better in capacity and poor in coverage at 14dB IoT? The main reason is P0 =-58dBm, which is too high power, so the received SINR is increased for all users. But alpha is low 0.6, so it splits SINR differentiation between cell center/middle and edge users. As the cell edge users' SINR is low, it directly impacts the coverage. At the same time the increased SINR for cell center/middle users due to high P0 and low alpha, is translated to high capacity at the cost of cell edge users PRB share.
Why should alpha=0.8 should fetch balanced good capacity and coverage at 12dB IoT? All the users received SINR increased because of high P0=-58dBm, and at the same time alpha=0.8 which enabled the cell edge user to obtain good receive SINR so they can achieve comparatively good throughput than alpha=0.6, but at the cost of cell center/middle users. As the PRB share of cell center/middle users is taken by cell edge users, the capacity does not match the alpha=0.6, because the cell edge users operate at lower MCS than cell center/middle users. At the same time due to good SINR for cell edge users in alpha=0.8, there is a significantly better coverage than alpha-0.6.
Why does the change in the alpha parameter impact the coverage? If a cell edge user is seeing a 130dB path-loss, for alpha=0.8, it will compensate 104dB, and the remaining 26dB is dynamically handled, so the received SINR = P0 - (1-Alpha)PL - I-N, -58dBm - 26dB - I-N = -84dBm - I-N. This cell edge user will have high I+N and 26dB (from the above example) remaining PL to compensate. If a cell edge user is seeing a 130dB path-loss, for alpha=0.6, it will compensate 78dB, and the remaining 52dB is dynamically handled, so the received SINR = P0 - (1-Alpha)PL - I-N, -58dBm - 52dB - I-N = -110dBm - I-N. This cell edge user will have high I+N and 52dB (from the above example) remaining PL to compensate. So, there is a difference in received SINR for alpha 0.6 vs 0.8, the alpha=0.6 got low SINR. Because of the low SINR in the alpha=0.6, the coverage is significantly impacted. Though these kinds of difference in SINR is evident in the above open loop power control-based simulation results only; whereas in the closed loop power control TPC commands will be issued to the cell edge user to compensate for I+N and path-loss, in that case, the difference will not be seen.
For example, alpha=0.6 achieved good capacity compared to any other configured alphas in the simulation result, but at the IoT=14dB, at the same time, 14dB IoT impacted the coverage significantly, refer to the below table [2]. Whereas the alpha=0.8 achieves balanced capacity at 12dB IoT and for 12dB IoT it can give better coverage.
Water-Filling Strategy:
This is the strategy to handle fast-fading in the wireless channel. In the slow fading scenario, we are interested in achieving a target data rate within a coherence-time period of the channel. In the fast-fading case, one is now concerned with the rate averaged over many coherence-time periods.
In the fast fading, the wireless channel varies quickly with the frequency. Fast fading originates due to the effects of constructive and destructive interference patterns which is caused due to multipath. Doppler spread leads to frequency dispersion and time-selective fading. The multipath and Doppler shift are the types of fast-fading.
The coherence time is the time duration over which the channel is constant and is considered to be not varying. Such channel variation is much more significant in wireless communications systems, due to Doppler effects.
Dynamic Power Allocation (DPC) Scheme:
Coherence time and prediction uncertainty:
Effective rate adaptation (OLLA) hinges on precise tracking and forecasting of the channel at the transmitter. This is feasible only when the coherence time of the channel significantly exceeds the interval between when the channel is assessed at the mobile/base station and when the packet is transmitted at the base station or mobile.
UL PC/OLLA Interaction
It is important to understand how the UL PC and OLLA interact. There are two types of UL PC and OLLA interaction:
The following explanation aims to provide a typical implementation perspective; however, it's important to note that the design aspects listed below are not obligatory. One can always apply intelligent alternatives that may circumvent the mentioned design aspects.
Unsynchronized?UL PC/OLLA:
UL PC will independently compute the power up and down, without interacting with UL OLLA. After UL PC is executed, UL OLLA will take the power up/down input and compute whether UL OLLA has to increase the number of PRBs by reducing the MCS (OR) or decreasing the number of PRBs by increasing the MCS. Both operations are to achieve better throughput than the current Max PRB allocation possible with UL OLLA computed MCS.
In unsynchronized UL PC/OLLA interaction, the UL PC uses the fractional power control (FPC) and channel inversion strategy; where the alpha will be configured to compensate for the path-loss partially and the FPC will permit the cell center UE to transmit in a low power per PRB, whereas the cell edge UE will be allowed to transmit in high power per PRB. This FPC strategy will be achieved by computing a Received-SINR and Target-SINR for a PRB for each UE, these two SINR differences will be compensated in small fractions or steps by UL PC independently without interacting with UL OLLA.
In FPC, the crucial distinction in UL PC lies in the requirement for the Received-SINR to be an instantaneous SINR. This is vital for tracking the instantaneous channel gain and compensating for the two SINR differences. This approach is effective because UL PC does not interact with UL OLLA information, such as Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) and the current number of Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) for Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH). Whereas, this information is maintained using an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR)-filtered SINR in UL OLLA.
FPC is characterized by small, incremental adjustments to power, providing a smoother and more gradual response to changing conditions; for this reason, FPC uses "Accumulated TPC" commands in the UL PC algorithm.
These unsynchronized UL PC/OLLA interacting FPC power control algorithms are better suited for delay-limited application traffic for example, Conversational Voice/Video, Real-time gaming, Mission Critical Voice/Video, and Live uplink streaming, demanding Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR).
Synchronized UL PC/LA:
UL PC and LA work in a synchronized way. The power up/down computation is coupled with increasing/decreasing the number of PRBs and MCS. For example, if 1 dB power is increased, whether we have to reduce the MCS and increase PRBs OR keep the same PRBs and increase the MCS computed. And vice versa, if 1 dB power is decreased, whether we have to decrease the PRBs and increase the MCS OR whether to keep the same PRBs and decrease the MCS computed.
In synchronized UL PC/OLLA interaction, the UL PC uses the dynamic power control (DPC) and channel inversion strategy; where the alpha will be configured to compensate for the path-loss partially and the DPC will permit the cell center UE to compensate for all the channel gain power per PRB, whereas the cell edge UE will be allowed to transmit in high power per PRB when the channel state h is very good and transmit with low power per PRB when the channel state h is not very good. This DPC strategy will be achieved by computing a Received-SINR and Target-SINR for a PRB for each UE, these two SINR differences will be compensated by UL PC after interacting with UL OLLA based on a condition. For example, for a low SINR user, if the two SINR difference is a positive value, the UL PC has two option whether to boost the power or not, this decision will be made on the condition whether the power boost fetches significant data rate, means the low SINR user is in a good channel state h. For a high SINR user, the positive difference value will always fetch a significant data rate, where the user's chances of being in a good channel state are high; so the power boost is always the case.
In DPC, the primary distinction in UL PC lies in the requirement for the Received-SINR to be an IIR-filtered SINR. This is because UL PC interacts with UL OLLA information, such as MCS and the current number of PRBs for the PUSCH to decide on the power up and down. As previously discussed, UL OLLA SINR is filtered, and MCS is adjusted based on the Block Error Rate (BLER). Maintaining two Received SINR values, one for UL PC and one for UL OLLA for power adjustment decisions, is neither feasible nor efficient.
DPC involves more dynamic and potentially larger adjustments to power, offering a faster response to rapid changes in the radio environment; for this reason, DPC uses "Absolute TPC" commands in the UL PC algorithm.
These synchronized UL PC/OLLA interacting DPC power control algorithms are better suited for non-delay limited application traffic, for example, Voice/Video Buffered streaming, TCP-Based data, and Mission Critical data, demanding Non-Guaranteed Bit Rate (NGBR).
We have explored the fundamental physical layer principles underlying each design aspect employed in typical Uplink Power Control (UL PC) and Outer Loop Link Adaptation (OLLA) algorithms implemented in commercial products.
The challenge lies in determining the most effective UL PC/OLLA strategy/power control type, and interaction, for both slow-fading and fast-fading channel conditions, considering various UE geometries such as Cell Center, Middle, and Edge. Making informed decisions on power, Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS), and Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) adjustments is the secret sauce for any carrier-grade UL PC and OLLA in a product.
Wireless PHY Systems/Design Engineer
4 个月Thanks for sharing the information! Very well explained.
Very Informative and well explained article on controlling/adapting UL power of UE. I think AI/ML can play a key role here in predicting and adopting power level of UE dynamically depending on all the channel condition. Thanks Manoharan for sharing this work.
Senior Software Project Manager, R&D, Airspan Networks
1 年Very well explained !
Nice one Mano
R&D Engineering
1 年Very well explained. Thanks for sharing