To fund or not to fund...a moment of truth!
Pixie Paula Dezzutti Acclaimed Brand Strategist/INVESTOR/NFT Speaker
Spirits Expert, NFT/CRYPTO/Financials/Tech Bio Pharma/CEOLocal ChoiceStriped Pig Distillery,Ghost Monkey Brewery,Skirt Magazine,Pixie Records,Tony Robbins Affiliate, Forbes 50 Over 50
As the last few days of my crowdfunding journey draw to a close, I wanted to share my thoughts with you on the process and my experience.
I have a strong history of raising capital for many endeavors of mine and others. From this experience I have come to believe there is no point in arguing valuation of a startup company. I have also come to the frustrating acceptance that investors will consider you a startup until you no longer need capital – a situation which will never occur if you continue to grow and therefore need more capital! One could make the argument that you should no longer be considered a startup because you need more capital.
Some people live by the policy “OPM” which embraces using “other people’s money,” but I have always held fast to the creed that if I weren’t willing to put all of my money at risk, then I had no business putting anyone else’s at risk either. Because of this, my operations have probably been much more challenging and cumbersome than those who have the luxury of being well capitalized out of the gate. I wasn’t so lucky to have those connections or come from a family of wealth or commercial resources, but the rewards, I assure you, have been just as great, and maybe even more valuable in the long run – I’m sure there are some entrepreneurs reading this that can relate!
I have had to leverage human capital and stretch the definition of frugality to redefine out of the box thinking. I’ve had to rise above all apparent limitations and restrictions and exercise creativity and malleability instead. And I’ve had to swallow my pride, surrender my ego, and check my entitlement at the front door.
The last few years have been “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” as I have stretched out cash flow like silly putty. I’ve negotiated terms, renegotiated terms, and negotiated new terms with every vendor and supplier as I begged distributors to buy my products, even though we both knew it was a long shot for me to even be around another six months from every score I mustered. But somehow, perhaps by the grace of God, I not only survived – I thrived.
The charted growth to success in the beverage business is not linear, but unpredictable and exponential. It is seasonal and fickle, and even when things look discouraging, some tiny seed of possibility planted years prior suddenly blooms and provides the cash flow to start the cycle all over again.
However, after enough treadmill activity, I recognized it was time to bring in capital, and the question of valuation could perhaps now include the value of human spirit, a sustainable business model, and enough of a rear-view mirror evaluation that just might possibly help others to see my vision.
At this pivotal time one of my partners suggested we consider a crowdfunding campaign. We listened to the proposals of a few market makers, and I became very intrigued by the possibilities this vehicle offered –
Firstly, because I am highly regarded for my experience and expertise in the traditional financial services, I knew I could best serve my clients and partners only having gone through the process directly, which was necessary in this expanding landscape of unique funding houses, creative asset leveraging, and the trading and futuring of all new kinds of currency and bartering.
Secondly, it would take me through a rigorous third party, four month verification process that would add validity, transparency, and cohesiveness to everything I had put together over the past decade.
Lastly, it would potentially put my story in front of a vast number of new eyes, which I rationalized was part of the marketing I would need to do anyway to get my story heard.
And so, after 16 weeks of data gathering and fact finding, and arduous checks and double checks, we arrived at launch day. For the next 60 days I would find myself checking several times a day to see if the world had discovered us yet!
Raising a minimum of $50,000, $100 dollars at a time, is not an easy feat. It’s opened me up to a lot of criticism, and many a sales pitch – e.g. if my marketing were better, I would be raising so much more money. Indeed! Marketing is one of the key things I listed we require capital for. Had I a lush marketing budget, I would be more accessible to consumers, and I probably wouldn’t need to do a capital raise! On the other hand, I have also received so many well wishes and I so appreciate the show of support thus far.
I hope you will take the time to learn more about my crowdfunding campaign by following the link included below. If you’d like to learn more firsthand about my crowdfunding experience, please do get in touch. If you would like me to share more of my journey with you as a speaker or consultant, please contact: [email protected].
This article is part of my new “Spiritually Speaking” blog. If you enjoyed this post, please connect with me, follow me, and stay tuned for more content!
Crowdfunding campaign:
Facebook - Local Choice Spirits, Pixie Paula - Official
Instagram - @localchoicespirits, @pixiepaulaofficial