Functional Fitness and the Benefits of Closed Chain Exercises
Cross fit preaches constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement. This is the backbone of all of the programming that coaches put together all over the world. These three variables when put together create an environment where muscular gains abound in limitless quantities. Why does it work though? What is the science behind why we get stronger, better, faster, more quickly than our bicep curling counter parts?
To be considered a functional movement, a movement must utilize more than one muscle group, in more than one plane of motion. It must be an exercise that simulates a real life movement or situation. This movement more than likely will be a closed chain exercise.
A closed chain exercise is an exercise done where the feet or hands are immobile pressing against the floor or a bar as in a pull up or dip. The closed chain exercise is going to stress multiple groups of muscle, emphasizing compression of joints. This helps stabilize your joints, leading to better coordination and stability. These closed chain exercises are the backbone to cross fit and are also the safest exercises one can do.
Why do we constantly vary our workouts? To create muscular growth and change we must force our muscles to constantly adapt. The only way to do this is by consistently changing our programming. Cross fit takes it to the next level by training across multiple skill sets, taking the approach of training for every situation. This approach more consistently produces strength and skill gains than traditional training.
Lastly, Why do we work at high intensities for shorter periods of time? Research has shown that there are more aerobic and anaerobic gains made by high intensity training. We are also able to get more accomplished with less ware to the body then say an endurance athlete, while still being able to be competitive with this endurance athlete.
The cross fit prescription is one of the safest programs out there. Focused on functional fitness we accomplish much more in shorter periods of time than our elliptical training bicep curling friends.