Functional adventures in the deep end: The evolution of a pragmatic 48-month undergraduate curriculum By 
C. Harold McManus, Ph.D.
? 2010
Excerpt 9/10
[email protected]

Functional adventures in the deep end: The evolution of a pragmatic 48-month undergraduate curriculum By C. Harold McManus, Ph.D. ? 2010 Excerpt 9/10

Platforms are useful because they simplify complex processes. Just as it is not easy or efficient to produce a new vehicle from scratch every time, it is also not easy or efficient to develop a brand-new learning experience for scholars from the ground up every semester. It helps if one can build upon a model that has already proven itself to work…to produce critically thinking undergraduates who are ready for the graduate world.

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  The main force behind the platform model that we have described over the past nine weeks is asynchronous, web-enhanced, Inquiry-Based Learning. An LMS can bring the power of digital collaboration to an undergraduate curriculum. These packages have numerous support mechanisms that allow professors to teach, assess, facilitate, mentor, and communicate in an idiographic fashion via the Net. In addition to site-wide instruction and discussions, the professor can establish need-based-support ecosystems that individual scholars can interact with twenty-four hours a day. With the power of a content and experience-rich LMS, the knowledge developing aspects of IBL will encourage the development of divergent thinking skills in properly motivated scholars. 

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       In an inquiry-based environment, scholars are encouraged to collect original data and then test hypotheses relevant to a contemporary driving-question. In shared spaces on the LMS, collaboration develops organically and is essential to the development and enhancement of critical thinking skills. The learning and support process is ubiquitous and asynchronous in nature. At any time or anywhere that a student can connect to the course experience, he or she should be able to demonstrate a path toward mastery, collaborate with colleagues, and continue to learn and create. In an inquiry-based environment, scholars are encouraged to collect original data and test hypotheses continually, constantly, and creatively. In an inquiry-based environment, scholars do not go to class, in this environment, if it is developed correctly, the scholars are the class. It can also be a class of 1 and 100 at the exact same time.

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      If there are 100 scholars in a given class, the LMS and IBL must provide 100 different (idiographic) pathways to success; 100 different (idiographic) pathways to solving the problem posed by the driving question. An idiographic approach works very well with this tiered platform model and provides the fuel for the Zone of Proximal Development described earlier. In an inquiry-based environment, scholars are encouraged to share the precious commodity known as knowledge to the benefit of all involved.

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In order to develop a critical thinker in 48 months, it is important to start with the basics. Motivation, attitude, and study habits must be emphasized during first-year orientation sessions. These skills must be developed and enhanced on every examination, quiz, and research paper. With an LMS, the professor can set up weekly formative assessments at the beginning of the semester and they will post to the site at pre-determined times. These weekly assessments allow the student to chart his or her progress every week. It is better to adjust for performance problems early as opposed to later. By combining an LMS with IBL, professors can challenge scholars to take an active role in their educational and career development. Emphasize the “big-picture” in every communication.

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  Let them know, for example, that they are not Psychology Majors---they are future psychologist. This is not a small point. I had 100% of my first-year “psychologists in training” in white lab coats working on a study. They would find themselves preparing for a conference during their first spring on campus and every subsequent spring. Engaging in this type of High Impact Education Practice is a must for developing a scholar that can complete your program in 48 months. 

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  If this model is implemented from day one and throughout the career of the typical undergraduate student, the majority of them will become adept problem solvers and critical thinkers by the end of their 48-month program and enter graduate school or a new career prepared to succeed. It is not magic nor is it a silver bullet that will address the current 72-month undergraduate degree trajectory. IBL, High Touch, Idiographic-approach, High-Impact-Practices, and an LMS are not just terms and concepts. They represent some pedogeological ingredients that can help you bake one hell of a success-construct-pie for your scholars.   

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·        The learning and support process should be viewed as a ubiquitous asynchronous process.

·        If a student can connect to the Web, he or she can engage the course,    

collaborate with colleagues, and continue to learn. 

·        IBL and an LMS together can provide an idiographic approach to content delivery and collaboration.

·        If the typical student at your institution borrows $20,000.00 per year to attend, adding two additional years would add $40,000.00 in debt to her or his tab.

·        If you graduate about 35 majors per year (you are a small department) and all 35 are in the same borrowing boat, you are now looking at $1,400,000.00 in debt following your graduates around.  

·        Multiply that by five years of graduations---there is now $7,000,00.00 of debt that would not be if they were not borrowing for two extra years.

·        Properly implemented and supported, IBL, High Touch, Idiographic-approach, High-Impact-Practices, and an LMS will help you develop better scholars and help them avoid decades of principal and interest payments.

·        Our final installment in the “Functional adventures in the deep end: The evolution of a pragmatic 48-month undergraduate curriculum” series will post during the week of 11 May 2020 and will provide some present-day content that you can use to start building a “deep-end” experience during the fall of 2020---whether you are virtual or blended.

·        During that same week we will launch our five-part series called “The Rob ROI Essay---The Success Construct is binary…you are either a 1 or a 0”. The Rob ROI Essay is a data-driven series that looks at 65 private colleges and universities and elucidate upon their return on investment (ROI) profile for students and families. Don’t miss it. You may help someone you know avoid being in the $7,000,00.00 club.

·        Stay tuned. Same bat time; Same bat web-link. 


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