Fun time with Significance score
Sangeeta Naik ..
Mid Senior Breakthroughs I Intuitive Habits I Leadership growth I Resourceful Influencing I Eco Advocacy I Performance tracking I Helping mid-career through stagnation to Leadership growth
Right now the mnth of April is done.
The features are
?? It is simple to maintain.
?? I will allow you to do only 3 main tasks pertaining to your KRA everyday.
?? If you have already gone through day-1 , wherein we created our Annual work plan, then by this time you already know your 5 KRAs and 4 subKRAs which means you have 20 kinds of activities you will be working on through out the year.
?? The Activities can be varied. But they can be grouped into one sub-KRA and hence wll come under one KRA.
?? Your significance score every month will be displayed KRA wise, every month.
?? In the next stage, we can also have provisioning for week wise score, but let us keep that in hold. I shall do that exercise after day 30.
?? Everyday you have to indicate whether the work is 'C' or 'WIP' - Completed/Work in Progress. This is done everyday.
?? The hours it has taken will be mentioned everyday as well. It is just a rough estimate of the time taken.
?? There is a punishmet score if you work beyond 8 hours per day. What I am trying to say is, Overworked people can never be Signficant
What to be understood from the significance score?
?? You know how much you have worked under which KRA, which means that you have been required to work under each KRA.
?? Over work actually reduces your Significance score drastically. Keep that in mind.
?? Since it is only you who can see this score, then you can improve your score with some tips and tricks.
?? As of now you can show your monthly milestones till Nov only, but I am working on it to give you the milestone map in a fishbone diagram till Mar 2024.
Honestly, I too also have never put a dashboard of this kind in front of my management, ever. I thought that work shows itself.
It does, because consistency pays over time.
But why to give it a chance?
Show how you have contributed to your organization!