Fun & Functional - John Hopkins
I went to Bloomberg philanthropies event back in September - I felt like it was the best gift awarded to me. I got to meet some incredible minds.
I got to meet the woman who built the entire Calgary Public Library in Downtown, I got to meet the officials who helped aid in the construction project and management, and I also got to meet this quirky man from Nummela - Helskini: The guy from Bloomberg.
My main takeaways from the talk were 3 points:
1. Fun & Functional - it's important to thriving.
I have read numerous books and TedTalks on the section of healthy living, and what it means to live a full, fun, happy life. A lot of it is counterintuitive to what I've been taught. I, very much, have prescribed to the idea that hard work is boring. I've been learning that the wanting to get better and deliver results.. happen when the work is exciting. The other person feels the passion and bases covered, you feel excited to deliver a result - it's surprisingly a better turnaround.
Security is made up of - self-esteem, connection, and safety.
It's at the bottom of the boat. It needs to get fulfilled first - which allows... for more..
Exploration - Fun/Growth: purpose, love, growth.
The bottom allows for the top to be fulfilling.
What does this mean -
Not because you're not perfect, but because you can grow into a version you're proud of. And in order to do that, you have to be able to view your present day self with kindness and encouragement to try.
Achievement and connection do not have to come at odds with one another. You do not have to sacrifice your marriage or time with your family, because they're the first ones who often witness when you fall and when you got it right.
We need people to celebrate and hold us.
The Boat - It's An Updated View - On This:
The Boat - Says it's A Relationship:
2. Maslow's Hierarchy: What does having Fun mean?
My best question to give myself permission when having fun - without feeling guilty:
I, always ask, when signing up for a new client, job, or position - how do I need to be so that when I show up... I am a delight to work with?
Zoomed Out: the Side-by-Side Comparison ??
3. Permission: to have Fun. The Scariest Thing... to Health and Longevity
These are my answers to it:
Stability is the things needed to Stay Sane: food, water, health, and relationships.
Fun/enjoyment: can be found in each of those things + add a dash of Challenge & Creativity: Day-to-day.
#I will go in-depth in another article.