Fun Food Facts for Chewsday!
Peter Anderson - Write Right
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Some fun food facts that I hope will not make you too hungry if you are reading this between meals. We all know that there are many types of food which cannot be produced anywhere but a certain geographical location; Melton Mowbray Pork Pies, Double Gloucester cheese and of course how could I forget the French sparkling wine – champagne. This is often because this was the location that the food was first prepared, but sometimes a geographical location has nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of the food in question. For example, how many of you in these days of ordering in food have requested a Hawaiian Pizza? You may be surprised that the first one was created by a Greek immigrant in Canada in 1962!
On the subject of pizzas, we do return to the spiritual home of the dish – Italy for the largest ever pizza. In Rome in 2012, a pizza was made that was 13,580 square foot – but it was gluten-free! The pizza was named Ottavia after the Roman emperor, but history has not left us with the information on how many supporters it took to clear it all up.
Speaking of clearing things up, we all know the tales of any biscuits that get broken during the manufacturing process being sold to staff at a discounted rate. But apparently this is not the case at the Kit-Kat factory, any kit-kats which are damaged in the process are ground up and placed between the wafers in another kit-kat.