FUN FASHION FRIDAY'S QUESTION (Clyde McDonald Photography)
Interesting to think that each person is totally unique. Out of all the billions of people that have lived on earth, each one is the only "them" that has ever been or ever will be. I am always intrigued by how people are genetically unique combinations of their parents & grandparents before them. Inherited physical traits can be like a "calling card" to identify us with our families. One's "beauty" is an aura, that is a combination of physical traits, makeup, fashion sense, & inner spirituality & personality shining out. Beautiful physical traits are a gift from God. The question is,... what will you use your beauty for?! Would you in self pride & divisive self interest allow it to create walls between people, steer them a misfortunate direction, & create unrest or ill will,....or will you use it as a reflection back to God who gave it to you, to build others self esteem up, create peace & good will, & steer people in fulfilling positive uplifting directions?!
Clyde McDonald Photography