Fun facts about Google
- The name “Google” is derived from the Mathematical term “Googol”
Googol - a cardinal number represented as 1 followed by 100 zeros
- Google has several domains that cover the most common misspellings of its name
2459 to be exact! That’s a lot of different ways of spelling Google!
- Google processes 3.8 million search enquiries, on average per minute!
That’s 228 million per hour or 5.6 billion per day!
- 100% of Googles electronic equipment is recycled!
Google will add at least a bit of recycled material in all of its devices by 2022
- 12% of Google searches are made by voice
Voice searches are fast becoming a regular trend, especially for mobile and smart phone users.
- Over 1 billion people use Google’s product and services
Android OS, Chrome book, Maps and YouTube, are just a couple of Google’s products and services.
- Google acquires one company a week on average
Fitbit, HTC Mobile, Nest Labs and Songza (to name only a few) have all been bought by Google.