The Fun Factor at Work: Why Having a Good Time is Essential

The Fun Factor at Work: Why Having a Good Time is Essential

You have heard it time and time again:

"Choose a job that you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

While that quote has been attributed to Confucius, Mark Twain, Harvey Mackay and many others, it is hard to debate the truth of the sentiment. If you love what you do it just doesn't feel like work but how do you know that you love your work?

One way I measure it is by checking in to see if I am having fun. Yes, FUN! In fact, statistics support this premise in that 81% of employees at companies ranked as "great to work for" described their office environments as "fun."

Fun has a positive impact on our engagement, creativity and purpose all essential to a positive work experience, yet we tend to think of it as something that is solely for children or our weekends.

Knowing this, isn't it time to make some time for fun in your practice? Here are a few tips for adding "fun" into your workday:

  1. Flex your creativity muscles. Doing the same thing day after day is quite simply, boring. When we get creative, we engage new neural pathways in our brain and fire up our ingenuity and interest. For me, this can be a simple as creating some graphics with Canva or brainstorming with a consulting client to help them build and grow their practice. This is creativity at work and it can light you, and those your work with, up!
  2. Celebrate the wins. Good things happen and the more you look for them and celebrate, the more abundant they will be. Much like a gratitude journal practice will help you to find out just how much you have to be grateful for, celebrating your wins will bring an awareness of all the positives of your practice. The fun will multiply!
  3. Make a "Fun" List instead of a "To-Do" List. I get it, I love a good list myself and there is nothing like the satisfaction of crossing off items on that never-ending To Do List but, think about adding a little fun on there. What would be a fun to-do that you can add? Build it in even if it seems frivolous or a waste of time when there is so much else to do. It will be worth it. Just try it. Maybe even make it a to-do on your list for today!

These are just a few ideas of quick and easy ways to get some fun in your work day. I'd love to hear from others - how do you find fun in your practice?

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