Fun Fact…

Fun Fact…

Fun Fact…

Ecom can either make you or break you.

What do I mean?

If you understand the fundamentals of advertising and ultimately what gets human nature to purchase products from a brand they never heard of a week ago,

This post could possibly make your life easier.

I view ecom as a 3 department system.

Laying out campaigns in a way that can

turn cold prospects into lifelong customers

Weekly Ad Creative Output that engages with your audience that makes them obsessed with your brand

Ad Copy that moves the needle for your business

This is just a baseline of what I’ve encountered over the years scaling multiple ecom brands.

Let me cut straight through the chase…

Laying out campaigns in a way that can turn cold prospects into lifelong customers:

TOF Testing Phase 1:

At the Top of Funnel Sector, the ideal goal is to test various ad angles, ad creatives, and audiences in order to find 8-12 potential winners that are generating consistent results on a small scale in order to move them along the following funnel process when it comes time to scale.

Scrolling through multiple groups and hearing about Facebook’s volatility… having this approach will ultimately eliminate the risk here because we are not putting all of our eggs in one basket.

Depending on your budget, I like being somewhat conservative here because we will be testing at least 15 variations of Headline titles, Ad angles, and Ad copy.

Utilizing ABO at $20 per day at each adset level with the following variation in mind (3 Headline Titles per adset + 3 Ad Creative Variations + 3 Ad Angle Variations)

Here is what the following setup looks like:

Adset 1 >>> New Interest Audience A >>> Ad 1 (3 Various Headline Title Variations + 3 Different Ad copy angles + 3 Ad Creative Variaitons)

Adset 2 >>> New Interest Audience B >>> Ad 2 (3 Various Headline Title Variations + 3 Different Ad copy angles + 3 Ad Creative Variaitons)

Adset 3 >>> New Interest Audience C >>> Ad 3 (3 Various Headline Title Variations + 3 Different Ad copy angles + 3 Ad Creative Variaitons)

Adset 4 >>> New Interest Audience D >>> Ad 4 (3 Various Headline Title Variations + 3 Different Ad copy angles + 3 Ad Creative Variaitons)

Adset 5 >>> New Interest Audience E >>> Ad 5 (3 Various Headline Title Variations + 3 Different Ad copy angles + 3 Ad Creative Variaitons)

Ideally spending at least $100 per day here testing 5 different audiences with at least 15 ads running with different variations per each adset.

It’s important to let your campaigns run for at least 3 days before making any significant decision here on killing or scaling an adset.

Utilizing ABO here brings reassurance to me that each ad set is getting the properly allocated budget while CBO sometimes doesn’t fully spread the spending out evenly.

Now I know I said Creative variations above but we are not fully utilizing brand new creatives at each adset level. That is way too much to test while creating a ton of moving parts.

We want to utilize wants already working and just make some small tweaks in the creative.

For example, here is what you can look to change per each creative:

Video Creatives:

Utilize different variations of the font for text (the less text on your videos, the better)

Sound variations (test different themes of music for your ad)

Change up the length of video clip

Still Images + Carousel Images:

Change up 1-2 words in the text

Test different colors/fonts of text

Same rule applies here for Headline Variations and Ad angles.

We are not changing ad copy or headlines fully, just making 1-2 small tweaks that could potentially generate better results.

For Example…

General Ad Copy looks something like this:

Stop snoring and get restful, quiet sleep without uncomfortable interruptions.

XXXX offers a personalized anti-XXXX device that has helped hundreds of thousands of snorers sleep in peace!


Use our LIMITED-TIME promo code - XXXX to get an additional discount of up to XXXX on our purchase!

Don't miss out on this offer! We only have a few pieces left!

As far as variations, we are not changing the theme here but simply testing 1-2 different words in the headline.

The same rule is applied with ad angles… not changing up the main CTA but simply testing different words or phrases in 1 sentence.

Let’s move on to the next step.

Scaling Phase 2:

Now the 1st phase is simply used for testing. After we have solid consistent results, we move the winners along the next step to scale.

Now I always preach patience in this game and if you happen to overspend your ad budget when you don’t have enough profitable audiences to work with, many people tend to get burnt during this phase.

This is why it is super important to have 8-12 solid winning audiences you can increase the budget daily and really lock in scaling.

The method to our madness is very simple here.

You have 2 ways of structuring your campaigns:

CBO approach where we let the algorithm take control - Budget is ideally greater then $1,000 and you are focused on automatic placement and automatic bidding here

ADSET 1 - Winner #1 - 3 top-performing creatives

ADSET 2 - Winner #2 - 3 top-performing creatives

ADSET 3 - Winner #3 - 3 top-performing creatives

ADSET 4 - Winner #4 - 3 top-performing creatives

ADSET 5 - Winner #5 - 3 top-performing creatives

While data has been fluctuating since the IOS update for ads manager, Google Analytics is going to be your best bet to make decisions when cutting underperforming adsets.

I like to have the ads running for at least 3 days before I make a decision but if an adset is just performing subpar after launch, I’ll save the ad dollars and just cut it.

Our second approach looks like this:

ABO but were manually allocating a budget of a minimum of $75 per each adset

ADSET 1 - Winner #1 - 3 top-performing creatives

ADSET 2 - Winner #2 - 3 top-performing creatives

ADSET 3 - Winner #3 - 3 top-performing creatives

ADSET 4 - Winner #4 - 3 top-performing creatives

ADSET 5 - Winner #5 - 3 top-performing creatives

Same approach here when we assess the data inside our GA and Shopify analytics. 3 day approach where we monitor each adset and decide whether to increase the budget by 2-3x per day.

Retargeting (MOF/BOF Setup) Phase 3:

Now while the window for retargeting has changed and I’m sure all of you guys are aware of this.

This is how we structure our MOF campaigns for retargeting:

We utilize CBO here with a $50 Minimum spend per day allocated amongst the adsets.

MOF Setup:

ADSET 1 - 95% video views last 365 days

ADSET 2 - All FB page/post engagement last 365 days

ADSET 3 - 75% video views last 365 days

ADSET 4 - 50% video views past 180 days

ADSET 5 - 3 second video views past 180 days

ADSET 6 - ig profile engagement past 365 days

We let facebook do the heavy lifting here while we utilize CBO again at a $25 minimum spend per day spread amongst the 3 adsets.

BOF Setup:

ADSET 1 - 60 day web visitors (exclude PUR 180 days out)

ADSET 2 - 60 day ATC (exclude PUR 180 days out)

ADSET 3 - 60 day view content (exclude PUR 180 days)

That’s all I have for you guys, hope you enjoyed it


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