Fun with the Barcode Reader in a Power App
A colleague at work asked me the other day if I ever worked with barcode scanning with the Microsoft Power Platform. Surprisingly, I never had. I always welcome solving a mystery, so an early morning ago, I built a Power App that I can run on my iPhone to scan the barcode of any item. Scanning a barcode turned out to be easy with the built-in Barcode Reader control included in Power Apps Studio.
What next? Now, I had Barcode Numbers piling up in a Collection, but so what. It's too soon to declare victory. I changed storing the scanned barcodes from storage in a Collection to storage in a Dataverse Table.
BarcodeDB.Run(First(BarcodeReader1.Barcodes).Value, Now());
That's it. From a colleaugue's initial question, to this Canvas App and MDA, working with the Barcode Reader control in a Power App is quite nice.