Fully Funded Level 2 Certificate in Retail Operations
Hazel Cray Chartered FCIPD FLPI
Head of Delivery - helping L&D and Coaching Professional Apprentices achieve timely success
Here at Induction Junction, we've been offering fully funded online knowledge qualifications for a couple of months now and I have really enjoyed reaching out and offering these opportunities. It is encouraging to see how many people have been able to return to, or further their, personal and professional learning.
As we prepare to start Spring this week I am delighted to announce that the Level 2 Certificate in Retail Operations is now available and we are continuing to take enrolments right up to the end of June deadline.
Specifically this qualification covers the following units:
Unit 1 – Understanding Customer Service in Retail Sector
Unit 2 – Understanding the Retail Selling Process
Unit 3 – Understanding How Individuals and Teams Contribute to the Effectiveness of a Retail Business
Unit 4 – Understanding How a Retail Business Maintains Health and Safety on its Premises
Unit 5 – Understanding Retail Consumer Law
Unit 6 – Understand How to Deal with Customer Queries and Complaints in a Retail Environment
For information on how the programme works, who is eligible, what other topics are available and what to do next please read down.
What are the qualifications? The qualifications are all Level 2 Knowledge Certificates (vocational related qualifications). They are accredited by one of two Awarding Organisations – either NCFE for the business topics or CACHE for the care topics. The qualification topics available are listed at the foot of this article.
What qualification would I come out with? Successful completion of the courseware will lead to either an NCFE Level 2 Certificate in [insert business topic of your choice here] e.g. NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Retail Operations OR CACHE Level 2 Certificate in [insert care topic of your choice] e.g. CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Dementia Care.
Do I need to be already doing the job that the qualification is in? No, these are not NVQs or Apprenticeships qualifications. Competence doing the job will not be assessed. You will submit answers to questions to show your subject matter knowledge and these will be marked.
Will they cost me or my employer anything? No, these are free for those who meet the eligibility criteria below. They are fully funded.
Would I be eligible? If you are 19 years or above, resident in England now and have been resident in the UK/EU for the past 3 years you are eligible to enrol on one of these fully funded qualifications. If you are resident in Wales or Scotland you are not eligible.
Do I have to be employed? No, it doesn’t matter whether you are unemployed, on a traineeship, a volunteer, employed working for someone else or self-employed you can still do one of the qualifications.
I already have a qualification at a higher level, can I still do a qualification? Yes unless you already have a qualification at a Level 3 or above in a closely related topic. If you hold a qualification at a higher level and it is in a different topic or you can demonstrate it is a new career experience area for you – you can. An example would be that a qualified and registered nurse could not complete the Certificate in Safe Handling of Medicines as their existing, higher qualification would have covered this. However, if they wanted to do the Certificate in Lean Organisation Management Techniques they could.
How long will the qualification take me to do? It is expected that each qualification will take about 8 weeks to complete but that depends on the individual’s prior knowledge of the topic and how much time they put in. The average is 1 to 2 hours per week.
Are there any exams? There are no written exams under test conditions. There are questions posed that need to be answered and submitted to your tutor for them to assess. As these are Level 2 qualifications the majority of questions will ask you to ‘list’, ‘explain’ and ‘describe’ areas of the topic you are studying to demonstrate your knowledge.
How much support from my tutor will I get? You will receive help getting you started and once you have submitted your first piece of work you will hear from your tutor. How much support you receive will depend on how much you need. You will be able to contact your tutor if you feel you need their extra input and they will provide timely feedback on your submitted answers.
Can I do more than one qualification? You can if you there is enough time left in the academic year (September to July) from when you enrol on your first one. For example if you enrol in April you may be able to complete a qualification by end of May and re-enrol to do another straight after and still complete by the end of July. If you enrol in June you would only really have enough time to complete one qualification.
Are they only available online? These qualifications are only available online.
What happens in the enrolment process? You will be sent some straightforward enrolment forms to fill in. These will have your personal and contact details as well as confirming you age, residency, employment status and equal opportunities monitoring information. It will also ask you to tell us if you think you might need additional learning support. There will be a telephone call or maybe a face to face meeting to confirm your suitability to the qualification(s) that you want to do, provide further information, advice and guidance and outline the support available to you and necessary safeguarding information. If you are unemployed there will be a further self declaration form to complete.
Completed and signed forms will be sent to the provider, who will issue you with an online portal link and login detail or order a workbook so you can access the course materials. you will receive a welcome call to make sure you have everything you need to get started. online or workbook materials will be sent to you and you will be given a welcome call to check that you have received everything and that you can make a start. There is a helpline number should you need this. Once you have submitted your first piece of work you allocated tutor will then become your point of contact.
What happens when I have finished my study? Once you have submitted your last piece of work, this will be assessed by your Tutor and verified before being confirmed to NCFE or CACHE who will then produce and send your formal qualification certificate. If you want and are able to re-enrol for a further qualification you can do so.
I’m interested, what do I do now? Please contact me, Hazel Langley [email protected] with the following information:
- Name(s)
- Email address(es)
- Contact number(s)
- Confirmation that you/your learners are eligible
- Name of the qualification(s) that you/your learners are interested in
- Any initial questions you may have
I will call you back to answer your questions before starting the enrolment process. I can also be contacted on 0333 358 3084.
Business Topics
? Principles of Team Leading
? Customer Service
? Business Admin
? Lean Organisation Management Techniques
Care Topics
- Understanding Safe Handling of Medication
- Understanding Behaviour that Challenges
- Awareness of Mental Health Problems
- Principles of Dementia Care
- Understanding Autism
- Care Planning
- Dignity and Safeguarding in Adult Health and Social Care
- Understanding the Care and Management of Diabetes
- Working with Mental Health Needs
- Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities
- Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
- Understanding Nutrition and Health
- Information, Advice or Guidance
- Equality and Diversity
- Caring for children and young people
- Counselling Skills
Hazel Langley, Digital Learning Broker, Induction Junction Ltd