Fully Focused
At the end of each year, I spend some time reflecting on the successes and missed opportunities. I review which strategies worked and which ones did not. Did I work the plan I had developed completely to ensure the strategies worked. I then review historical results, current pipelines, new clients, prospects, new and lost partners, and old partners and clients that I may have not done a good job of keeping a strong relationship with. I set my goals, and start January 1 with a direction, destination and a map. Sometime after the first leg of the trip, I check my bearings to see if I am on course or off.
This year, I had an unusual January. For the first time in quite a while, I was off track, or so I thought. I took a Friday afternoon early in the month, shut off the phone, shut down the computer, took out a blank sheet of paper and at the top wrote.
What would I do if I were starting in this business today?
I thought back to my first sales position, the fear of the cold call, the sense that the phone was going to somehow send a shock through my entire body when I picked up the receiver and dialed. Ever drive around the block two, three or four times getting up the courage to go in?
Under each question, I made notes, put down thoughts, and maybe even just put a few more question marks.
Then I went back to my computer and got back online. I opened my daily/weekly/monthly routine document. (I know you all have one).
I looked it over and found many of the things I had on there were the same ideas I thought I would do if I was just starting out. I also found that some of the ideas in my so-called routine were, ----- shocker----- not being done!
I did not rewrite the routine as I knew it worked. It has worked for me for years without fail. However, like a recipe, if you leave out ingredients or steps, you will not get the end product you are looking for. No yeast, no rise. No calls, no prize.
I went back to my roots the next Monday and started following the recipe to the letter and not only are things back on course, but the lost ground has been made up.