Fully Deluded The Others
Right around the hour of nine this morning, I decided to run several errands to offices which were in walking distance of mine, and the moment I headed outdoors, I was suddenly hit with strong gusts of chilling wind out of the north. In spite of being heavily dressed, I could still feel it creeping into my bones. Thank goodness it died down a bit as the day wore on.
Most of my day was focused on getting everything prepared for several closings that are coming up this week, so hopefully the both of them will end up being soft landings. I'll certainly be glad when one of them is fully closed-out, and only because there've been things happening which were creating stress points, but thus far, we've managed to get over the hurdles.
One of my long-time friends called and asked if I'd be free for lunch today, and since he's the one I used to have lunch with on a monthly basis, I made sure I had time, so we ended up over at Wok and Roll which is my favorite Chinese restaurant.
The atmosphere was comfortable, the food was good, and the conversation was never lacking of interesting things to talk about. It ended up to where we both had some illuminating items to talk about which triggered all the more debate. Yes, when you've stayed in contact with someone for well over 20 years, it's pretty easy to cut to the chase without feelings being hurt.
We've been getting noticeably more interest in my listing over at 1715 N. Delaware to where I now have an appointment to show it on Thursday, and likely to another person who called on it late this afternoon. When thinking about it, it's pretty hard to find something under $100K in such good condition, so perhaps I will have it sold before Christmas arrives. That'll definitely be an over-due gift for both my sellers and yours truly.
After reading a very good article about how our general public has become tribalistic, and especially in our political circles, it comes as no surprise to me as to how easily others can be sucked into those online groups who're constantly spreading rumors and promoting conspiracy theories, and only for the purpose of creating more followers and pulling in more donations to their bogus causes.
The more I've been reading about Michael Johnson who's the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the more I'm convinced he has some serious issues going on where he's looking more like a religious zealot who's trying to dissolve the separation of church and state which has been one of the foundations of our democracy. Every time I see him speaking, I'm convinced he's hiding a very many of his own demons. It also creeps me out when knowing he basically came out of nowhere, and is now the 3rd person down from the Presidency. Pretty scary if you ask me.
After reading that article, I sat back and began thinking about conspiracies which were created within my own family circle by two distinct ringleaders, who for whatever reason, wanted to make sure they'd fully deluded 'the others' to the point where I no longer recognized them, and all due to an about-face in their behaviors. For me, that was definitely a wake-up call when knowing that if several relatives can completely divide a large family unit which was always able to work together, and turning those relationships entirely upside down, then it's likely just as easy for a number of dark political minds in our general public to do the same thing.
Since I'm definitely a believer in Karma/Divine Intervention having a hand in righting wrongs, there's no doubt in my mind, there's likely going to be a generational kicking-back on those who'd freely and willingly created undue hardships on others, and believe me, I can go on for hours telling stories about families being generationally affected by the sins of parents and grandparents, and the most painful retributions begin with those who got it all started, as well as the ones who intentionally delivered the final blows.
While on the subject, I wanted to also mention another well-written article about Fiona Hill who's been a political advisor for both top Democrats and Republicans, and because her words made perfect sense to me, and being one hundred percent correct when believing the Republicans don't care a hoot about Ukraine's struggles, only because that's all they want is for Biden to fail. Now how sick is that? I'm adding the link below to that very article, so please read it. Is Putin Winning?
There's no doubt in my mind that if Putin wins the war with Ukraine, he will not stop there because it'll be another case in history repeating itself. As most don't know, the 'powers that be' in Europe at the time, allowed Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia, and only because Hitler gave his assurance he was done. Well, it wasn't long after where he made a secret bargain with Stalin to invade Poland, and they did, which was the beginnings of WWII.
I know there's a great many people who have absolutely no time for world history, which is unfortunate because time and time again, history does repeat itself it's not recognized in time. There's no doubt in my mind that Putin is as mentally sick as Hitler was, and any of those who think differently, have their heads buried in the sand.
I know helping Ukraine has created a financial burden on the United States as well as other sovereign democratic nations, but isn't it better than having our own troops on the ground?
Tonight's One-liner is: I don't believe in conspiracy theories, and only because I'm a cold-blooded investigator.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/12/12/fully-deluded-the-others/