Fully Alive
Today, I am reminded of a famous quote by St. Irenaeus, “The glory of God is man fully alive’! This quote has challenged me over the years to stop and reflect on what it means to be a human. Our humanity is a gift from God and if we are to glorify Him with our lives we must care and tend to not only our spiritual life, but to our physical, emotional, and intellectual areas as well.
Prayer is essential in growing in relationship with God. But if we come to prayer exhausted from lack of sleep, we are not fully present to Him who longs to speak and guide us in our daily activities. If we do not take care of our emotions, allowing ourselves time to work through our feelings, they will resurface later to create havoc in our lives and relationships.
Take time today to consider if you are ‘living fully alive’ or is there an area in your life that is just ‘surviving.’ We cannot love others if we do not love ourselves. Listen to your body and give it the love and attention it needs to thrive and ‘live fully alive’!