Fullstack Dockerized Template on Typescript.

Fullstack Dockerized Template on Typescript.

We've heard developers voice the same pain points time and again: it's hard to integrate your app's frontend with your backend, you need to tackle an ever-expanding technical scope in your daily workload, and it's tough to navigate the breadth of cloud offerings.While backend-as-a-service offerings provide an easy onramp, they often require developers to migrate away from them as their company scales.

“Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.” — Vince Lombardi

We start our implementation with plan of actions.(Express->React->Nginx->MongoDB)

Dockerized MERN

We are start with mkdir commands to create follow folders: client, backend, nginx.

Folders creation

The Dockerfiles for Client, Server and NginX services as seen bellow:

Server Dockerfile
Client Dockerfile
Nginx Dockerfile

Let's install some dependencies and devDependencies in server directory:

by passing to server own directory:

package.json of server directory with script enter-points

Next step is the creation of json file dependencies for client module. The module consists the nessary files to client developments and scripts to run by the client service:

package.json of client directory with script enter-points

By pass to the next action we are create the nginx configuration file. The file configurated due to passing requests beetwen the client and server services.

Nginx configuration

So there are last and an important issue it's to create the docker compose file that define all services and configutaions for it.The file situated outside of folders, in upper level of folders.

version: '3'
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      context: ./server
    container_name: server-Express
      - '/app/node_modules'
      - './server:/app'
    command: npm run dev
      - "3005:3005"
      - mongo
      - MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongo:27017/mydb
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      context: ./client
    container_name: client-React
      - '/app/node_modules'
      - './client:/app'
    command: npm run dev
      - "6001:6001"
    tty: true
    restart: always
    container_name: Nginx
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      context: ./nginx
      - "3050:3051"
       - server
       - client
    restart: always
    image: mongo
    container_name: mongoDB
      - mongo-data:/data/db
      - "27017:27017"


The volume in the end of defenition is persists volume.That saved for all time that project exists.

The frontend reac vite server configuration has been corrected to the following expectations:

The configuration situated in vite.config.ts file on the backend side of application.


So the final step to run out the docker compose file with a regular command:

  • docker compose up --build

Frontend Service in action
Backend Service in action.

So the task has been complited succesfully. The backend and frontend services in up condition.

The plan


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