Be a Full-Wit: Engage Your Audience’s Visual Sense
Cynthia Kenworthy
Senior B2B Freelance Writer for Technology | Named Best of LinkedIn | White Papers, Case Studies, Articles
We’ve all seen stats that demonstrate how much more memorable visual information is than what we read or hear. You may be including video, images and infographics in your content way more frequently as a result.
But text remains the mainstay for many online communicators, including me. The good news is that we can greatly increase the visual impact -- and memorability -- of our content with just a few simple steps.
Check out this post that I put together with Todd Clarke, who distills complex information into concise visual summaries.
The main take-aways for me were:
1) Use white space more effectively. As a writer, I tend to focus so much on the words that I don’t pay enough attention to the white space around them. Just as silences are as intrinsic to music as notes, white space is a powerful tool for setting off and highlighting key points.
2) Getting more visual is as simple as incorporating icons in blog posts. I’m easily intimidated by graphic design, but this is something even I can do.
The post is packed full of helpful resources and tips.
Yay for getting started!