Full Super Blue Moon 07°PISCES25' @ 9:35 PM EDT, 12th House, tonight, Wed, Aug 30

Full Super Blue Moon 07°PISCES25' @ 9:35 PM EDT, 12th House, tonight, Wed, Aug 30

The Moon will have just returned inbound prior to this lunation, and there is no applicable void-of-course at this time. All rituals are a go! However, I will mention the old wives' tale my grandmother taught me, and through experience holds true. If you have thinning hair, cut or trim it during this lunation to thicken it up. I still have enough hair for two headfuls!


The moon will reach perigee at 11:55 PM EDT and appear about 7 percent larger than normal. This "Super Blue Moon" will be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. ( Ref: NASA ) What a glorious site for those with clear skies! This lunation will not occur again until 2037 - so please take advantage of its energies. A seasonal Blue Moon is the traditional definition of a Blue Moon and refers to the third full moon in a season that has four full moons according to NASA. The second definition — borne out of a misunderstanding of the first — is a monthly Blue Moon which refers to the second full moon within a single calendar month. The monthly Blue Moon is nowadays considered the second definition of a Blue Moon rather than a mistake, according to Time and Date. ( Ref Space.com )


The Full Moon in Pisces always takes place when the Sun is in Virgo and the Moon is in Pisces. Because Pisces is the opposite zodiac sign of Virgo, there is an oppositional aspect at play.This Lunation will also enter a conjunction with the Teacher and Lord of Karma, Saturn, mid-afternoon. Late in the evening it will inconjunct Juno, and sesquiquadrate with Ceres close to midnight.Full effects of the aspects can be found in today's Aspecting the Cosmos report:


This lunation is rare and amplified in size ( closer to the Earth than the previous Super Moon ). Thus, the emotional impact is going to follow suit in size and amplification. That it's in the 12th House, ruled by Neptune, the House of endings, subconscious, self-sabotage/undoing, enemies, and debts to be paid ( Karma ), presents a greater opportunity ( vs dread ) than is initially realized.

The 12th House reveals sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, and behind-the-scenes action often involving deceit and manipulation. It's considered the closet or dustbin of the horoscope because here we tend to sweep away or hide problems that are too painful to face or difficulties/ responsibilities that we refuse to acknowledge. If born under this energy, then we are most likely accustomed to it. Whether or not we've evolved spiritually is determined by our perceptions and actions.

If we're blaming everyone else for the challenges we face, and if we're manipulating behind the scenes our own good or think we're playing God for the good of all, then the chances are we have not. Another sign is thinking everything would be dandy if that one person just wasn't around.

All of the above, and more, signify comfortability in the energy of deception and manipulation, and we have no issue bending it to our will. If, however, we accept our part in whatever situation we face—whether direct or karmic—we can view circumstances from a different perspective and alter any knee-jerk reaction to a wise response, and any action from lower vibrational energy to a higher vibrational frequency that delivers us from repetitive pain and sorrow "Because of someone else".

The essence of this Full Super Blue Moon in Pisces is forgiveness. If we feel blocked or are not manifesting as we feel we should, then we need to clean house. We can pour the clearest liquid into a crystal glass, but if the glass is dirty, the liquid is not going to shine. On the other hand, pouring clear liquid into a clean crystal glass will amplify its shine from within. There's our keyword: "Within".

The outer issues we face are merely symptoms of a root cause within us. We will face them repeatedly—in this life or the next—until we weed the roots. It typically comes down to the unforgiveness of someone, something, or even us, that we are holding onto. Most hold onto this vicious emotional cycle because they misunderstand what forgiveness truly means, and they are comfortable in the cycle they've grown accustomed to. Forgiveness is not absolution of what was done to us. Forgiveness isn't about whoever did it to us. Forgiveness is solely about us - and the ability to remove blocks, manifest our dreams, and prevent further suffering because we've destroyed the root of the disease.

Here's the secret of the 12th House amid all the endings and sorrow: It reveals our unknown or hidden strengths. So, if we think we have not the power to forgive, and we've tried but failed, now is the time to call in that strength within us that we've never believed we had. But first, remove the rose-colored glasses associated with Pisces. Yes; people are innately good; however, that doesn't mean they are operating from that goodness. Only clear sight will be able to determine that. And if the crystal has not been cleaned, then we will continue to see through the glass darkly.


Beautifully coordinated, the Universe has presented this lunation on the best day to work our magic for the Moon is in Pisces:

Thursday (Jupiter’s day). If possible, perform your ritual during Jupiter’s hour ( second hour after sunrise ), August 31st. This falls within the 24-hour period of the super lunation. This gives us all day and night to prepare our list of things to forgive, including self-forgiveness. Dig deep and face the fear so it can be accepted as an experience and integrated into the light of this Super Blue Moon.

I wish you magic and miracles.

Painting: The Blue Moon of 2018 by Elizabeth Williams


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