Full Spectrum Marketing
Adam Erhart
"The Marketing Guy" 450K+ on YouTube Helping You Grow Your Business With Proven & Profitable Marketing Strategies | Get started here FREE -> grow.adamerhart.com/start
I need to clear something up.
Something that could make (or at the very least save) you a lot of money.
I’ve been talking a lot this last little bit about the strategy to “Full Spectrum Marketing”
And how it’s positioned to be the future of EVERY single campaign I run (for myself, my clients, and my students) heading into 2019.
(QUICK DEFINITION: Full Spectrum Marketing is the concept of using “Multichannel Growth” on both SEARCH platforms (ie Google Ads and YouTube Ads) and DISCOVERY platforms (Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads) to generate more leads, customers, and revenue…)
But one important point I haven’t yet touched on is HOW you do this without:
- Spreading yourself too thin
- Driving yourself crazy trying to be everywhere all at once
- Burning yourself out
- Blowing your entire 2019 marketing budget in Q1
So let’s clear that up.
This is how you do it right.
You start with ONE channel.
ONE single platform (I call this your Pillar Platform)…
…that is strategically selected to match perfectly with your ideal target market, message, and media delivery.
We start here.
We leverage it to the nines.
And THEN (and only then) do we expand the spectrum.
(Fortunately with the right strategy in place… this happens FAST… so you don’t get left behind)
The key then is to use the RIGHT strategy and system.
And to build it out from the ground up moving strategically…. Systematically…. And sequentially through all 4-stages of effective lead gen.
* This can be done in 90 Days
** Yes, I have a system to help businesses install this (here's the link: https://jointhematrix.com)
*** All 4 stages of effective lead gen are laid out on the page in the link above ;)