Elizabeth Bardin
Earth school - Earth travel adventures, Online Creativity programs, Mayan & Astrology Updates, Online Plant programs, personal guidance sessions,
28 JANUARY 2021 (7.18 pm GMT)
In the sign of LEO (fire element)
It is time for the lion in you to roar.
This is a new epoch and you are personally responsible. In other times leaders like the King Arthurs of the world could save the people. Not now.
No leader, no political figure, no political party, no government, no institution, no medical expert, no medical invention is going to be your salvation. If you wait for that, you are gong to wait for a long time. And even if you are told you have found it, you will be very disappointed.
The evolutionary energies just no longer support that consciousness!
No. You are going to have to lead the way. You are the leader of your own life. Outside circumstances will no longer deliver the answers for you. Don’t wait for outside things to change. It is time for YOU to become clever and inventive, resourceful. To direct and plan your life and your affairs in a way that best suits you. The Moon in Leo and Sun in Aquarius support you.
Find ways that are best FOR YOU!
And when you feel stuck, disempowered - whether it is because of rules and regulations imposed on you, whether it is because of lack of money and its fearful situation, you are being asked to find ways around it. DO NOT believe the lie of this invented and second hand 3D reality that you are powerless and that there is nothing you can do.
And that all you can do is to stay small and comply!
This is not a rebellion. It is far beyond that. This comes from the very high frequency of True knowing, Of what is real. The Lion Heart.
Why? Because the mesmerizing “spell” of 3D has finally been broken. And the life-defeating hold it has had on you and the whole of humanity has gone.
The code?
Claim Self -Sovereignty.
The authority to govern self.
It belongs to you. It is your Divine birthright!
And why have you forgotten?
Self-sovereignty is unstoppable. It is the code and golden key to liberation. Try it. Whenever you feel oppressed by rules, situations. Disempowered or stuck. Call in the energy of Self-Sovereignty. It is there to set us free from the imprisonment, slavery, injustice and oppression of a system of control what has caused untold suffering in the world. That limited our thoughts and behavior. That ensured the ongoing dominance, superiority, arrogance, control and privilege of only the select few.
The energy and resonance of Self-Sovereignty is so high, you cannot be defeated.
Universal law supports you.
Now is the time for true Reality!
Lets celebrate!
Good questions to ask at this time:
- what areas in my life have I limited myself by believing the lie that I am powerless and that I have to comply?
- what OTHER clever and more inventive options are available to me? how do I assert and own my self-sovereignty?
- where have I allowed myself to feel dominated because of believing that I am pathetic and small and have no power?
- how do I reclaim my innate sense of greatness that comes from remembering my true nature and authority?
- what will take for the lion in me to roar? to reclaim my power and to be no longer afraid?
With love and the blessings of this immensely empowering - and reclaiming - Full Moon!
(Photo: The Sphinx - one of the oldest structures on Earth. The human Lioness, a record keeper holding the ancient star codes for humanity)