Full Moon In Scorpio May 18th 2019
Davina MacKail
Helping you achieve exceptional results through ancient Wisdom that Works. Co-founder NaturalWisdom.co; HayHouse Author; Feng Shui Maestra, Mentor; Gene Key Coach & Guide; Shamanic Training, Retreats and Pilgrimages
Full moon in Scorpio today, ruled by the planets Pluto and Mars. Mars (fire) has just moved into Cancer (water) and the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Venus are all partying in Taurus. Here on planet Earth that translates into the possibility of some deep and meaningful exchanges this weekend. The Taurus/Scorpio axis currently being activated is all to do with personal resources versus other people’s resources. In other words, VALUES – we spend our time, energy and MONEY on what we value. Are your values in alignment? This is a great time to pause, reflect and check in on what’s important to you. Write it down; ‘what’s important to me? And what else is important to me? And what else…” – keep going, dig deep and get to those unconscious values that will be running the show anyway?? Have a look at what you’ve written, organise your list in terms of priority and now it’s time to reflect. For example, if making a difference in the world is important to you yet, you spend all your spare time bingeing on Netflix – then your values and your resources are NOT in alignment. Similarly, if you proclaim family is important but you only visit once in a blue moon. With Uranus, planet of the personal unconscious, currently supporting this process there's the possibility of some surprising 'aha' moments. This Scorpio moon is emphasising what’s important to you versus what’s important to others, especially those close to you – THIS is what can lead to some steamy, emotionally intense exchanges if these are in conflict. Remember though, the planets are here to guide us, help us ‘see’ more clearly so if we can recognise this and keep our cool, we can make serious progress towards our own personal evolution during the current lunar influence. After all, the route to true happiness is when our actions match our values and those are unique to each of us. We are also given the opportunity to learn to respect and accept others values and how they choose to utilise their resources – sometimes these will be in alignment with ours and bingo – magic happens - the sum of parts being greater than the individual. With others we can agree to disagree and love ourselves enough to stand in our own truth. Happy negotiating?? Wishing you infinite full moon love and blessings ??????
Independant Partner at Utility Warehouse
5 年Thanks for the reminder Davinia xx