Full Moon in Cancer - December 29/30
Jennifer Garufi (formerly Mannion)
Author, Mindfulness Teacher, Speaker, Owner of Jennygarufi.com
The next Full Moon is December 29/30 depending on where you are in the world and is a Full Moon in the Sign of Cancer.
Cancer is an emotional sign and I feel many of us ARE feeling pretty emotional as this year comes to a close. It is a time to reflection on all that has occurred this year. You might feel some pretty strong emotions bubbling up. Please notice what this year has brought you - and allow yourself to be taken there with your emotions. Notice what you might call the good, the bad and the ugly and this is also a wonderful time to really allow yourself to sink into gratitude. There WERE blessings this year among the challenges - can you recall what they were and how they felt when they occurred?
We’ve all had to readjust and we have all suffered at least some loss this year. Loss of freedom of how we perceived it. Loss of loved ones. I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t know someone who has passed on this year. I lost the closest person to me for 50 years - my mom who was my best friend AS WELL AS a couple of other friends. Grief is a very long lasting, ever shifting emotion. This time calls on us to be kind and gentle with ourselves as we recognize all the gifts and challenges this year has brought us. You can ask yourself, “What have I learned and discovered?â€, and, “How have I grown, adapted and changedâ€?
The last few years I have picked a word of the year - a word I wanted the new year to embody. You may want to settle in, close your eyes, slow your breath, put your hands on your heart and ask yourself what that word is. How do you want to begin 2021? What aspects do you want to bring into the year? You might have felt unsafe or insecure this past year - how can you bring more peace and safety into your life next year?
This moon also calls on us to reflect on where we are over-extending ourselves in our lives and where can we see relaxing and setting better boundaries for ourselves. The word I have chosen for next year is “Alignmentâ€. I know I only want to live from that place of alignment and not forcing my will on the Universe.. to move forward in grace, feeling connecting to my soul and the Universe and not trying to CONTROL anything. All of my life was shaken when my mom passed and I am inviting in a new way to live - from that space without having my mom here as support and yet still feeling balanced and aligned. Please ask yourself how you can move forward feeling aligned, strong and confident?
This full moon really calls for us to let go of the old to move into the new and it times perfectly with the new year. What does your next chapter look like? Remember YOU truly are the author of your own life! This Full moon can bring positive change and excitement - are you ready to embrace it and receive? Think about how you may invite in excitement to your life… Is there something you have been wanting to try but have been putting off? When we put new energies out there - we are saying we are READY for something new to come back to us.
Cancer is also seen as the ruler of our home life and most of us have spent a LOT more time at home this past year than usual. But home is also your family and close relationships as well as inner house - your soul. Al of these can use some reflection. What changes have you been through and what are you ready to invite in - in ALL OF THESE areas of HOME?
I know this full moon report threw a lot of questions back at you - but that is because this is a perfect time to quiet your mind, go within and ask those questions. You have been through a lot. You have almost made it through 2020 - congratulations!! This is the last full moon of the year and it is a perfect time to assess and ask yourself how you will move forward into this new year with love in your heart. You deserve it!
I will be leading my monthly Full Moon Distance Energy Healing for the Full Moon hosted by AtoZ Healing Space on Monday, December 28th at 9AM EST. It is such a healing space to join with others, share intentions and relax and receive! I look forward to it every month! You can find out more here and if you have not been my guest before email me and I would LOVE for you to join us!! https://atozhealingspace.com/full-moon-circle/
Sending MUCH love and Full Moon Blessings Your way!