Full Humility
Kevin Davis
Transformational Coaching | I help CEOs & Superintendents create exceptional team dynamics & cultures | Schedule A Call Today (link in "About")
What Does It Really Mean to Be Humble?
Gender roles, cultural norms, and ego can skew our understanding of humility. We aspire to it, but what defines it? As C.S. Lewis wrote,
"True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less."
Arrogance occupies the extreme opposite of humility – taking up too much space, overestimating abilities, and being self-focused. But humility doesn’t require shrinking away either.
Consider the ancient Hebrew word anavah, translated as "humility." Its literal definition is to occupy your God-given space in the world – not over or underestimating your abilities. Powerful imagery for staying grounded in truth.
As Marianne Williamson declares,
"Your playing small does not serve the world. We are all meant to shine...as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same."
Humility thus takes courage, not just confidence. It’s a calling to fully express your gifts - no more, no less. Not to hide from failure or rejection, but stay aligned with your purpose without ego or entitlement.
Mandela compelled us that,
"there is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life less than you're capable of."
What would it mean to live at full capacity? To dream boldly, declare something huge and commit to pursuing it without arrogance?
Playing small diminishes your influence. And the world is robbed of your unique creative gifts when you hold back. What dream, goal or ambition have you denied yourself because of fear or faulty beliefs about your abilities? How might fully embracing your talents change your impact?
You contain multitudes waiting to be unlocked. It's time to occupy your God-given space - no more, no less. Step into your calling with courage, not confidence.
Are you willing to declare it?