Full of energy and optimism

Full of energy and optimism

Last hours in Sri Lanka during this trip.

Three intensive work weeks, which provided energy and inspiration. Although the Swedish media has been filled and to some extent still is filled with reports about the challenges here, my message is clear:

Come here - tourists are more than welcome! It is safe and transport for tourists works without problems. The country and the population need foreign currency, which you as a tourist can provide

"Fall in love again" is the theme of the private initiative Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance - https://www.lovesrilanka.org/

It is an excellent slogan that could especially be used to a greater extent in messages aimed at former tourists. Swedes are returning tourists and spend more in dollars per head than most other visitors. Why can't Immigration share the database of visa applicants' email addresses? A welcoming email, but above all a Welcome back would have shown that Sri Lanka is alive and well.

Have met current business partners in my private capacity. Given the opportunity to express gratitude for the work, their employees put into being able to deliver qualified IT services without interruption.

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Seminar at European of Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka

In my second role as Secretary General of the Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council, it has been uplifting to meet entrepreneurs from Sri Lanka who were interested in the Nordic market. Despite a turbulent world and shaky finances at home in Sweden, there are opportunities to develop business relations between our countries.

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I also got to meet young designers who exhibited at the Academy of Design. In addition, Swedes invest in tourism here. Let's all support them - the easiest way is by traveling here.

During the next year, Norway will also close its embassy here in Colombo. It is very unfortunate as they have been helpful to us Swedes. Now there will be no Nordic embassy here, which I consider a big mistake. Sri Lanka is interesting not only for business or a tourist destination but also important to follow from a regional political perspective.

I'm no friend of cold and dark, so I hope to be back soon. Probably already during the beginning of next year.

"Sweden is a past present and future partner to Sri Lanka, the comeback nation"


Leif I Ohlson


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