Hello my Lovelies!
How are YOU feeling right now in this moment? It’s ok if the feeling changes in the next 30 seconds or couple of days. The hills and valleys of the human experience can feel far and wide at times.
How we navigate and choose to feel about the in between is key to creating our next experience and whether it is pleasant, or not.
Currently, I am experiencing what feels like a re-living of my late teens when I moved out of my parent’s house just before graduating high school.
The move-out was so abrupt that I ended up at a friend’s house for a few months. Then, to another friend’s place for a few more months. Then, to a one-bedroom apartment with two other women. Then, to a house with the same two women. And then, one of the women and I moved out of that house and into a two-bedroom apartment all within a span of 2 years! Needless to say, a lot of movement was happening for me 30 years ago.
And now, after being in Texas for less than 2 years, I am moving for a third time to a new shared space. I have always appreciated the downsizing and re-evaluating of “possessions” that happens when a person moves into a new home. I am also excited to live in a space with other humans again! Living out in the country by myself has been so cathartic and necessary to reset my mind, body, and spirit. The space gave me the opportunity to check out for a bit and listen for what to do next. The country is so quiet and enveloping at night with all its creature and critter noises. I imagine my new space will be even more magical… and with high-speed internet!
Another way I feel I am re-living my late teens is through my work right now. As I build the non-profit… meaning volunteering my time in the jails until more donations come in to support the work… I have begun taking some catering and hospitality jobs to supplement my income. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed being a food server when I was in school. I have always loved hosting events and feeding people delicious food and that seemed to be the answer for me in this “in between”. I am really ENJOYING myself too! The other part of this choice that makes sense is that through this work, I am connecting and networking with some very wealthy and influential people in Austin that may be aligned with the mission of The Adara Collective or just might be ready for some sound healing for their Self as well.
As I continue to navigate the feelings and thoughts of this time in my life, I remember that the number 3 represents FULL CIRCLE.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Mind, Body, Soul
Born, Died, Risen (Like the Phoenix in the Adara logo)
In numerology, 30 is added up and represented as 3 (3+0=3). And, here I am 30 years later experiencing similar events with a different perspective, more wisdom (I imagine), and a pretty clear channel to process through whatever little nuggets of self-loathing, unworthiness, and unlovable are still floating around inside of me. I am being provided the opportunity to let go a little more, to let go forever the people, places, trauma, experiences, and things that no longer serve me with a new awareness. Life is such a trip when take a step back and observe where you’ve been, the person you have become and are becoming. I am so excited to see what we’re all able to create next as we collectively clear our Selfs, our Souls!
So, I’ll invite you to create an agreement with me right now to let go of judgment and criticism of our Selfs and begin to focus our attention to what LOVE would do or say in each moment. Let’s choose to do things that bring us JOY and let go of the belief that we need to settle for anything less. As we shift our internal beliefs and language the environment outside of us will begin to look different. People may fall away in the process and that’s ok. Everything in life has a season and everything will cycle in and out at some point.
How we choose to feel, respond, and accept the experience will dictate our new experience moving forward. Remember, where we focus our attention is where our energy goes. BE aware of your thoughts as you visualize and manifest your heart’s desires with clear intention. As The Adara Collective grows, I am keeping these practices in mind??
If it resonates for you to support our mission of second chances, healing, and self-awareness you can find the ways below.
I Love You,
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Inquire about CORPORATE DONATIONS and MATCHING (Receive the Gift of a Sound Healing Meditation Workshop for Corporate Donations)
AND... You can still find all the information for PUBLIC GROUP SESSIONS on the Agada Energy Healing website under the?commUnity page?!?I am currently seeking a new location in AUSTIN to facilitate group sessions.