The wisdom of the fathers
Can one who has the full blessing of Pentecost lose it again? Yes: undoubtedly. God does not bestow this boon with such constraint that a man retains it whether he will or not. No: this blessing also is entrusted to him as a talent which must be used; and only by use does it become secure and win success.
Just as the Lord Jesus after He was baptized with the Holy Spirit had to be perfected by obedience and submission to the leading of the Spirit, the Christian who has received the blessing of Pentecost has to see to it that he guards safely the deposit that has been entrusted to him.
When we inquire how we can keep it, Scripture points us to the fact that our keeping of it consists in our entrusting it to the Lord to be kept by Him. Paul places these two ideas along side one another in his second letter to Timothy: "He is able to keep my deposit;"
The main secret of success in the preservation of the blessing is the exercise of a humble dependence on the Lord who keeps us and in the Spirit by whom we ourselves are kept in close fellow ship with Him. It is with this blessing as with the manna that fell in the wilderness: it must be renewed from heaven every day. It is with the new heavenly life as with the life we live on earth: the fresh air that sustains it must be drawn in every moment from without and from above.
Let us see how this ever-abiding, uninterrupted keeping takes place. Jesus, who gave us the blessing, will keep it for us. Jesus is the Keeper of Israel. This is His name and this is His work. God not only created the world but also keeps and upholds it. Jesus is not content with merely giving the blessing of Pentecost. He will also maintain it every moment.
The Holy Spirit is not a power that in any sense is subordinate to us, that is entrusted to us, and that we must use; He is a power that is over and above us, that possesses and energizes us, a power by which Jesus in heaven will carry forward His work from moment to moment.
Our right place and our proper attitude must always be that of the deepest dependence, a sinking down in our own nothingness and impotence. Our chief concern is to let Jesus do His work within us. So long as the soul does not discern this truth there will always be in it a certain dread of receiving the full blessing. Such a one will be inclined to say : "I shall not be able to continue in that holy life. I shall not be able to dwell always on such a lofty plane." But these thoughts only show what a feeble grasp such a one has of the great reality. When Jesus comes by the Spirit to dwell in my heart and to live in me, He will actually work out the maintenance of the blessing and regard my whole inner life as His special care.
(from "The Full Blessing of Pentecost" by Andrew Murray)