Not Fulfilling the Obligation

Not Fulfilling the Obligation of Amr Bill Ma’roof – Nahy Anil Munkar

Amr Bil Ma’roof and Nahy Anil Munkar (commanding righteousness and forbidding evil) is a sacred obligation on every Muslim. Regarding this obligation, it is mentioned in the Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abu Dardaa’ (radhiAllāhu anhu): “Hadhrat ‘Aishah (RadhiAllāhu ‘anha) says: ‘

Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallāhu ‘alaihe wasallam) entered the house and I guessed from his face that something of great importance had occurred. He did not talk to anyone, and after making Wudhu he entered the Masjid. I stood behind the wall to hear what he said. He sat at the pulpit and after praising Allāh, he said, “O Muslims! Allāh has commanded you to call people to good deeds and prevent them from committing sins; otherwise a time will come when you will pray to Him; but He will not listen to you; you will ask your needs of Him, but He will not grant them; you will appeal to Him for His help against your enemies, but He will not help you.” After saying this, he came down from the pulpit.”’ 

Aren’t we witnessing the situation that is described in the above hadith? How many of us are involved in the effort of Da’wat and Tabligh (Amr Bil Ma’roof and Nahy Anil Munkar)? In fact, once we involve ourselves in this effort, inshaAllāh, the first two vices, and many more, will automatically fade away from our lives.

What Muslims all over the world are going through today is a dire wake-up call for the entire Ummah. Let us totally migrate from the above vices and start obeying Allāh’s commands, bringing the Mubarak Sunāh of our beloved Prophet (sallallāhu alaihe wasallam) into our lives. Let us all make Taubāh and Istighfar and Du’ā in abundance that may Allāh save the Ummah from His wrath…Ameen.

And Allāh Ta’ala Knows Best.


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