Fugitive Emission Inspections with Acoustic Imaging | SonaVu?

Fugitive Emission Inspections with Acoustic Imaging | SonaVu?

SonaVu? is a multi-frequency acoustic imaging camera that blends visual and auditory senses to bring fugitive emissions, natural gas, and oil leaks into focus.

One problem facing refineries and oil and gas (O&G) plants is how to identify and eliminate sources of leakage into the atmosphere. Fugitive emissions is an all-encompassing term used to describe both intentional and accidental leaks. This term brings our attention to finding and eradicating them. The threats imposed by fugitive emissions vary from unpleasant odors to serious, hazardous safety risks for plant personnel and populations living within the danger range of facilities.

Sources of Fugitive Emissions

There are many sources of fugitive emissions within the O&G industry segments. Sadly, many sources are intentional or, let us say, part of the process; whether that process be manufacturing, refining, transporting, venting, flaring, and storage. However, accidental sources of fugitive emissions fall under the categories of "equipment leaks" and "accidents and equipment failures". It is within these categories where we discover the highest risk because the leaks can be both long-term or sudden and impactful.

David Picard of Clearstone Engineering Ltd, identifies five sources of fugitive emissions.

  1. Equipment leaks;
  2. Process Venting;
  3. Evaporation losses;
  4. Disposal of waste gas streams (venting/flaring);
  5. Accidents and equipment failures;

Valves, and especially the packing which prevents leaks to atmosphere is a significant contributor. Unfortunately, many industries approach to valve maintenance is "run to failure". Without regular condition monitoring it is difficult to even realize that poorly maintained valves are a primary source of fugitive emissions.

Piping is another source of long-term leakage. Gasketing and packing around flanged couplers, corrosion, poor workmanship, and worn connectors are primary culprits. Additionally, compressor seals, pressure relief devices, and process drains should be considered as additional sources of fugitive emissions.

Methods for the Detection of Fugitive Emissions

There are numerous methods for detection of fugitive emissions including ambient air monitoring, gas sniffing, ultrasound, and ultrasound acoustic imaging cameras.

Ambient air monitoring samples air quality around the vicinity of a complex. The sensing of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and even nitrous oxide (N2O) reveals that fugitive emissions are a problem, and the need for detection and repair is a must. Ambient air monitoring alerts organizations about the problem, however, it does not solve it.

Gas sniffing involves the use of detection instruments that sense the presence of a certain gas type, and then quantifies its severity in terms of parts per million (PPM). Gas sniffers are not an exact science as their effectiveness is affected by wind and humidity. Their sensors may reach a saturation point in the case of severe fugitive emissions in which case their usefulness is called into question.

Ultrasound works well in most environments, so far as the leak has a differential pressure that produces turbulence. Laminar leaks are not detectable with ultrasound. However, most gas leaks do involve movement of the gas from the high pressure to the low-pressure side. The turbulence at the leak site has peaks at 40kHz – the working range of SDT Ultrasound instruments.

These sophisticated instruments are highly sensitive, can detect the source of gas leaks from safe distances (where necessary), are not impacted by wind, and are relatively low cost. Moreover, the use of ultrasound instruments comes with a low competency curve. New inspectors can be onboarded in just a few hours of training. SDT ultrasound instruments have many other uses in addition to the detection of fugitive emissions.

  • Mechanical condition monitoring
  • Bearing lubrication guidance
  • Compressed air leak detection
  • Steam trap assessment
  • Electrical fault detection
  • Valve assessment
  • Detection of cavitation
  • Analysis of gearboxes

SonaVu? from SDT Ultrasound Solutions, is a new technology that shows promise for the detection of fugitive emissions within the oil and gas and refining verticals. SonaVu? is a multi-frequency acoustic imaging camera that blends visual and auditory senses to bring fugitive emissions into focus.

Each SonaVu? comes equipped with 112 highly sensitive ultrasonic microphones that form a wide field of detection. That same field of detection is brought into view through a precision optical camera. Inspectors with SonaVu? in hand can hear and see every leak simultaneously through an audio output and on the large, 5” color display.

With SonaVu? from SDT finding, documenting, and repairing fugitive emissions, natural gas, and oil leaks has never been easier. SonaVu? brings the power of superhuman hearing to focus on its vibrant color screen. Most fugitive emissions remain inaudible and invisible to humans. Detection attempts are further stymied by the rumble and roar of the factory environment. But SonaVu? is tuned to hear only the ultrasonic component created by turbulence at the leak site. At the same time, it remains impervious to the noise of production. Fugitive emission detection and management projects can be conducted at the height of production regardless of background noise.

SonaVu?, the world’s favourite ultrasound company. If you are going to buy an ultrasonic acoustic imaging camera for finding fugitive emissions, natural gas, and oil leaks, doesn’t it just make sense to choose one from an ultrasound company?

Contact Intech NDE today - [email protected]

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