Fueling 'the Stuff of Dreams'
We’re at the midpoint of our brightest season of warm days and starry nights. William Shakespeare might have said it best: "Summer's lease hath all too short a date." Enjoy those midsummer night dreams!
As President of Washington Gas, I’ve also discovered a contradiction associated with these months: the hotter it gets, the more warmth you need. Let me explain.
Natural gas might not be the first thing you link with summer since it’s often associated with providing heat. For example, consider the Washington Area Fuel Fund (WAFF) program. Do you envision helping warm homes during the cold winter months?
I hope you do because, since 1983, WAFF has assisted more than 320,000 people with almost $34 million to warm unheated homes. It’s an honor to offer a program that helps offset the discomfort, danger, distractions, and discouragement that icy homes can bring.
Affordable, reliable energy is one of our most urgent goals. As recently as 2020, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration found that up to 27% (34 million) of U.S. households face some level of energy insecurity. Twenty percent of U.S. households reduced or forewent necessities to pay for heating and cooling.
I emphasized that last word for a reason.
When thinking about air conditioning, natural gas might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it’s a major contributor to keeping you cool. It also plays a significant role in making the electricity that runs most of today’s air conditioners. In 2023, about 44% of the electricity that powered homes in the PJM came from natural gas-fired power plants.
Closer to home, natural gas is essential during hot weather because it helps fuel absorption chillers. These are vital to hospitals, pharmacies, universities, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and other larger businesses, ensuring they remain cool and operational during peak summer months.
Our local distribution network delivers the natural gas for many absorption chillers. Thankfully, it boasts a 99% reliability rate, helping to ensure the dependable running of these absorption chillers' natural gas service even when power grids are under stress.
WAFF’s funding distribution reflects this same symbiosis across the energy industry. The program has already provided over $900,000 to local households in 2024. Based on more than 1,800 applicant awards, 71.8% represented electric homes, 24.1% were Washington Gas customers, and about 4% comprised oil, other gas companies, propane, and wood.
I’ll explore the beneficial relationships between natural gas and other fuel sources in an upcoming article. Suffice it to say that these bonds strengthen all aspects of providing dependable energy. While this matters to all of us, WAFF is there to help some of our most vulnerable neighbors keep air conditioning flowing and fans whirling, no matter their energy source.
I can’t overemphasize how much stable energy matters throughout the year. Too cold or too warm homes can have various effects, ranging from mild to severe. Even sleep can be impacted, interrupting the dream phase critical to rest and cell regeneration.
Here at Washington Gas, we are passionately committed to our +175-year mission to provide steady comfort that fuels our communities' literal and figurative dreams. To quote the Bard again, these hopes fuel our lives because “We are such stuff / As dreams are made on.”
Back to my riddle: the hotter it gets, the more warmth you need. You probably already guessed the answer. I’m speaking of the endless warmth of human care and kindness, and our DMV is exceptional in its generosity.
Supporting dreams can take many forms, from a gala to raise awareness and funding for local families to multiple energy assistance programs. Many of you stand ready to support WAFF through text donations (SPREADWARMTH to 53-555), donate to our award-winning Gift of Warmth program, or volunteer to support local causes.
Circumstances can surprise anyone and disrupt hopes and dreams, but steady, reliable energy can help keep life running smoothly. Your support and acts of kindness are at the heart of those goals because “how far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed.”
Thanks for the great quotes, Bill!
All the best,