Fueling the fight, spilling water, and breaking promises
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Conference:
Today’s quote:
- 日本政府却轻描淡写地表示,排海是长期的事情,要从长期的角度来应对渔民的忧虑。日本政府这种背弃承诺、出尔反尔的做法,失信于国内民众,也失信于国际社会。?
The Japanese government, however, only said that it is necessary to respond to the fisheries’ concerns on an ongoing basis, as the release of the water will be a long-term effort. By going back on its own words, the Japanese government is jeopardizing its credibility with both its own people and the international community.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 然而美方一再背弃承诺,长期频繁实施对台军售,加强与中国台湾地区军事联系,这些恶劣行径严重损害中国国家主权安全,严重威胁台海和平稳定,给中美两国两军关系带来重大战略风险。?
However, the US side has gone back on its own words over and over again by frequently selling arms to Taiwan and strengthening its military ties with the region. These outrageous actions seriously harm China's national sovereignty and security, severely threaten peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and expose the relations between the two countries and the two militaries to major strategic risks.?
Today’s quote:
- 美日韩三国领导人戴维营会晤在台湾、涉海等问题上对中方进行抹黑攻击,粗暴干涉中国内政,蓄意挑拨中国与周边国家关系,严重违背国际关系基本准则,中方表示强烈不满和坚决反对,已向有关方面提出严正交涉。?
The trilateral summit of leaders of the US, Japan and the ROK at Camp David smeared and attacked China on Taiwan and maritime issues—an act of gross interference in China’s internal affairs, a deliberate attempt to sow discord between China and our neighbors and a serious violation of norms in international relations. China deplores and strongly opposes this and has made solemn démarches to relevant parties.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 上周末,美日韩领导人在戴维营表示,三方有意在2023年底前实现对朝鲜导弹预警数据的实时共享。中方是否认为这打破了韩方2017年同中方达成的“三不”共识??
At Camp David this weekend, Japan, Korea and the US said they intend to operationalize their sharing of missile warning data on the DPRK in real-time by the end of 2023. Does China see this as breaking the “three noes” agreement with Korea from 2017 ...?
Today’s quote:
- 核污染水一旦排放入海,就会“覆水难收”。中方敦促日本政府正视国内民众和国际社会的正当合理关切,不要做出错误决定,停止强推核污染水排海计划。?
Once the nuclear-contaminated water is released into the ocean, there is no way to recollect it. We urge Japan to take seriously the legitimate concerns of the Japanese people and the international community, stop making wrong decisions, and abort the ocean discharge plan.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中方强烈敦促日方忠实履行国际义务,停止强行推进排海计划,充分研究论证排海以外的处置方案,切实以科学、安全、透明的方式处置核污染水,并接受严格国际监督。希望日方及时止步,不要造成“覆水难收”的局面。?
China strongly urges Japan to faithfully fulfill its international obligations, stop pushing through the discharge plan, fully explore and evaluate the alternatives to ocean discharge to ensure that the nuclear-contaminated water is handled in a scientific, safe and transparent manner, and agree to rigorous international oversight. We hope Japan will stop taking the wrong steps in time. Spilt water cannot be gathered up again.?
Today’s quote:
- 朝鲜的高丽航空公司三年多来首次执飞从平壤出发到北京的商业航班。该航班原定将于今日抵达北京,但后续被取消了。?
The first commercial flight of the DPRK’s Air Koryo from Pyongyang to Beijing after over three years of COVID-19, originally scheduled to arrive today, has been canceled.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 汪文斌:中方对新冠病毒感染实施乙类乙管总体方案发布后,自2023年1月8日起,恢复受理中外航司恢复国际客运航班的申请。2023年夏秋航季换季工作当中,中方根据航空公司申请按程序批复了朝鲜高丽航空平壤—北京—平壤等客运航线定期航班计划。具体航班由航空公司按照中方主管部门的批复执飞。?
After announcing the decision to manage COVID-19 with measures against Class-B infectious diseases, China, on January 8, 2023, resumed handling Chinese and foreign airlines’ applications to resume international passenger flights. In the process of shifting to the summer-autumn schedules of 2023, China approved in accordance with relevant procedures the DPRK’s Air Koryo’s application for scheduled Pyongyang-Beijing-Pyongyang flights. The airline undertakes the specific flights according to what has been approved by relevant Chinese authorities.?
Today’s quote:
- 在乌克兰问题上,中方始终致力于劝和促谈,将继续为推动局势缓和降温发挥建设性作用。相比某些国家在乌克兰危机中不断拱火递刀,中方的立场光明磊落,相信国际社会对此都看得很清楚。?
On the Ukraine issue, China is committed to promoting talks for peace and will continue to play a constructive role in seeking deescalation.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 而美国却不断拱火递刀,迄今已向乌克兰提供超过320亿美元的军事援助,其中包括大量先进武器装备。?
The US, however, has been fanning the flame and fueling the fight with more weaponry. To date, it has provided Ukraine with over $32 billion worth of military aid, including large quantities of advanced armament.?
- 我们敦促美方停止抹黑甩锅、拱火递刀,同中方和国际社会一道共同推动外交谈判解决危机。?
We urge the US to stop smearing China and shifting blames, and stop fanning the flame and fueling the fight with more weaponry. The US needs to work with China and the rest of the world to promote diplomatic negotiations with a view to settling the crisis.?
Today’s quote:
- 赖清德声称“希望民主国家支持台参与国际事务”“让台更好地为国际社会作出贡献”。这是借台湾所谓“国际参与”问题搞政治操弄的惯用伎俩。?
Lai [Ching-te 赖清德] claimed that he hopes democratic countries will support Taiwan for its participation in international affairs so that Taiwan can better contribute to the international community. This is a familiar gimmick of using “seeking participation in international affairs” as a pretext to engage in political manipulation.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 美国国家航空航天局局长尼尔森5日称,中国太空项目是由军队运作的,而美国的航天部门则在开展和平、开放且有国际参与的民用项目。?
NASA’s administrator Bill Nelson reportedly said on July 5 that the Chinese space program is run by its military, while the US agency runs a peaceful and open civilian space program with international participation.?
Today’s quote:
- 国际月球科研站面向所有感兴趣的国际伙伴开放。中方将秉持“共商、共建、共享”原则,围绕国际月球科研站开展广泛合作,加强科学研究交流,为空间科学技术进步、人类文明永续发展作出贡献。?
The International Lunar Research Station is open to all international partners who are interested in the project. Guided by the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, China will carry out broad cooperation in the International Lunar Research Station, bolster scientific research and exchanges and contribute more to science and technology advancement and human progress.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 未来五年,中国将继续实施月球探测工程,发射“嫦娥六号”探测器、完成月球极区采样返回,发射“嫦娥七号”探测器、完成月球极区高精度着陆和阴影坑飞跃探测,完成“嫦娥八号”任务关键技术攻关,与相关国家、国际组织和国际合作伙伴共同开展国际月球科研站建设。?
In the next five years, China will continue with lunar and planetary exploration. It will: Launch the Chang'e-6 lunar probe to collect and bring back samples from the polar regions of the moon; Launch the Chang'e-7 lunar probe to perform a precise landing in the moon's polar regions and a hopping detection in lunar shadowed area; Complete R&D on the key technology of Chang'e-8, and work with other countries, international organizations and partners to build an international research station on the moon;?
- 深空探测:与俄罗斯联合发起国际月球科研站计划,启动中俄月球与深空探测联合数据中心建设,推动中国“嫦娥七号”月球极区探测任务与俄罗斯月球-资源-1轨道器任务联合实施。?
Deep-space exploration: China launched the international lunar research station project together with Russia, and initiated the Sino-Russian Joint Data Center for Lunar and Deep-space Exploration. It is working with Russia to coordinate Chang'e-7's lunar polar exploration mission with Russia's LUNA-Resource-1 orbiter mission?
- 与俄罗斯联合发起国际月球科研站计划,启动中俄月球与深空探测联合数据中心建设,推动中国“嫦娥七号”月球极区探测任务与俄罗斯月球-资源-1轨道器任务联合实施。?
China launched the international lunar research station project together with Russia, and initiated the Sino-Russian Joint Data Center for Lunar and Deep-space Exploration. It is working with Russia to coordinate Chang'e-7's lunar polar exploration mission with Russia's LUNA-Resource-1 orbiter mission.?
- 刚果(布)国家1号公路贯通,成为刚唯一出海口黑角港连接首都和内陆纵深的运输通道,被刚果(布)总统萨苏誉为“梦想之路”和“未来之路”。?
The No.1 National Highway in the Republic of the Congo, which links the country’s only sea port Pointe-Noire with the capital and the hinterland, has been hailed by the Congolese President as a road of dreams and a road to the future.?
- 此外,尼日利亚莱基深水港为提升当地转口贸易能力、促进西非地区互联互通发挥了重要作用。?
Nigeria’s Lekki Deep Sea Port has played an important role in enhancing its entrepot trade capacity and promoting connectivity in western Africa.?
- 南非龙源电力德阿风电项目年节约标煤21.58万吨,年减排二氧化碳61.99万吨,满足当地30万户居民的用电需求,助力南非绿色低碳发展,为绿色“一带一路”倡议合作探索出一条切实可行之路。?
China Longyuan Electric Power’s De Aar Wind Power Project in South Africa saves 215,800 tonnes of standard coal units and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 619,900 tonnes per year, and provides electricity to 300,000 local households. It empowers South Africa’s green and low-carbon development and demonstrates a feasible path for green BRI cooperation.?
Today’s quote:
- 8月16日至19日,丹麦外交大臣拉斯穆森对中国进行正式访问。访问期间,国家副主席韩正同他举行会见,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅同他举行会谈。两国外长还共同发布了《中华人民共和国政府和丹麦王国政府绿色联合工作方案(2023—2026)》。中丹务实合作有良好的基础和广阔潜力。两国政府于2017年发布了《中丹联合工作方案(2017—2020)》,整体执行情况良好,对推动双方务实合作发挥了积极作用。根据此次双方发布的新版工作方案,中丹将进一步巩固深化两国全面战略伙伴关系框架下的双边合作,在环境、水资源、科教、粮农、海事、旅游、健康等领域加强绿色合作。这是中丹绿色合作的新尝试,标志着两国务实合作提升至新的水平,进一步丰富了中丹全面战略伙伴关系内涵,也将为中欧乃至国际绿色合作提供助力。中方愿与丹方一道,为推动实现更加强劲、绿色、健康的全球发展,实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标作出新的更大贡献。?
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark Lars L?kke Rasmussen paid an official visit to China from August 16 to 19 [2023]. During the visit, Vice President Han Zheng met with him and Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi held talks with him. The two foreign ministers jointly launched the Green Joint Work Programme Between Governments of China and Denmark for 2023-2026. Practical cooperation between China and Denmark enjoys a good foundation and enormous potentials. The China-Denmark Joint Work Programme (2017-2020) released in 2017 by the two governments has been soundly put into practice and played a positive role in promoting the practical cooperation between the two sides. Based on the new work programme, the two countries will further enhance and deepen bilateral cooperation under the comprehensive strategic partnership and expand green cooperation in such fields as environment, water resources, science and education, agriculture and food, maritime affairs, tourism and health. The new practice in China-Denmark green cooperation of launching this work programme elevated practical cooperation between the two countries to new heights, further enriched the China-Denmark comprehensive strategic partnership and will provide impetus for China-Europe and even international green cooperation. China stands ready to work with Denmark to make new and greater contribution to achieving stronger, greener and healthier global development and realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 要坚持绿色低碳发展,打造绿色产业和绿色金融,加快构建亚太绿色合作格局,让亚太地区经济发展走在世界前列。?
It is important for us to pursue green and low-carbon development, foster green economic sectors, promote green finance, and speed up the establishment of an Asia-Pacific green cooperation framework. With these efforts, we can make the Asia-Pacific a global pace-setter in pursuing economic development.?
- 2020年9月,习近平主席同德国、欧盟领导人举行视频会晤,中欧决定建立环境与气候高层对话机制,打造中欧绿色合作伙伴。?
In September 2020, President Xi Jinping held a virtual meeting with the leaders of Germany and the EU. The leaders decided to establish a China-EU High-Level Environment and Climate Dialogue (HECD) and to forge a China-EU green partnership.?
- 中非人民对优美环境和美好生活有着共同的向往。中国和非洲一道,倡导绿色、低碳、循环、可持续的发展方式,保护人类的共同家园。2012年以来,中非共同举办了“中非绿色合作引导未来经济”研讨会和“中非环境合作部长级对话会”,推动加强环境治理政策沟通协调。?
The peoples of China and Africa share a common yearning for a beautiful environment and a better life. As a result, they work together to advocate green, low-carbon, recyclable and sustainable development and safeguard the common homeland of humanity. Since 2012, they have co-organized a seminar on green cooperation guiding the future economy and a ministerial conference on China-Africa environmental cooperation, promoting communication and coordination of environmental governance policies.?
- 10月26日,中国商务部部长王文涛与阿联酋经济部长阿卜杜拉以视频形式共同主持召开中阿经贸联委会第七次会议,双方就共建“一带一路”经贸合作、推动创新与绿色合作等议题深入交换意见,达成广泛共识。?
On October 26 [2021], Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao, and Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy of the United UAE Emirates, co-chaired the 7th meeting of China-UAE Joint Economic and Trade Committee via video link, exchanging views on BRI business cooperation and the promotion of innovation and green cooperation, reaching extensive consensus.?
Today’s quote:
- 我还要指出的是,中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。中方在本国领土上开展建设活动,中国海警船在中国管辖海域进行维权执法活动,合理合法,无可非议。中国作为《联合国海洋法公约》缔约国,一贯忠实履行包括《公约》在内的国际法,不接受、不承认南海仲裁案非法裁决。近年来,美国极力插手介入南海问题,怂恿、支持个别国家海上侵权,挑拨地区国家关系,是地区秩序的搅局者和破坏者。美国还纠集盟友在包括南海在内的中国周边海域频繁开展军事演习和抵近侦察,耀武扬威,加剧地区局势紧张,已成为地区和平稳定的最大威胁和挑战。中方将继续坚定维护自身主权和安全利益,并同东盟国家一道,全面有效落实《南海各方行为宣言》,积极推进“南海行为准则”磋商,开展涉海务实合作,坚定维护地区和平与稳定,努力推动地区繁荣与发展。?
China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nanhai Zhudao (islands in the South China Sea) and the adjacent waters. China’s construction on its own territory and China Coast Guard’s action to protect China’s rights and enforce the laws in waters under China’s jurisdiction are legitimate, lawful and beyond reproach. As a state party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), China always abides by international law including UNCLOS and does not accept or recognize the illegal arbitral award on the South China Sea. In recent years, the US has gone to great lengths to interfere in the South China Sea issue. It has encouraged and supported certain countries’ violation of other countries’ maritime rights and sowed discord between countries in the region, which makes the US a disrupter and saboteur of the regional order. The US, together with its allies, frequently conducted military exercises and close-in reconnaissance in waters around China, including the South China Sea, to flex muscles and intensify tensions in the region. The US has become the biggest threat and challenge to regional peace and stability. China will continue to firmly defend its sovereignty and security interests, work with ASEAN countries to fully and effectively implement the DOC, promote steady progress in COC consultations, carry out practical maritime cooperation, and firmly uphold peace and stability and boost development in the region.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权,对相关海域拥有主权权利和管辖权。中方在南海岛礁进行基础设施建设,部署必要的防御性力量,是依法行使国家主权,是完全正当合法的,其他国家无权对此说三道四。关于美在菲新增使用军事基地,中方已多次表达严正关切。当前,美方持续强化在南海地区军事部署,刻意推高地区紧张局势,地区国家应对此保持高度警惕。中国军队将一如既往坚决捍卫国家领土主权和海洋权益,坚定维护南海地区和平稳定。?
China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands and their adjacent waters, as well as sovereign rights and jurisdiction over relevant waters. China's infrastructure construction and deployment of necessary defensive forces on certain islands and reefs in the South China Sea are exercise of its national sovereignty in accordance with the law, which is absolutely legitimate and lawful. Other countries are in no position to make irresponsible remarks on this. China has repeatedly expressed stern concern over the US development of new military bases in the Philippines. At present, the US side continues to strengthen its military deployment in the South China Sea, and intentionally stokes regional tension, to which regional countries should stay on high alert. The Chinese military will continue to resolutely defend the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.?
- 中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。针对个别国家在钓鱼岛、南海等问题上的侵权挑衅行径,中国军队将采取必要措施,坚决捍卫自身领土主权和海洋权益。?
China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and the adjacent waters. In response to the infringements and provocations of certain country on issues concerning the Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea, the Chinese military will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.?
- 南海诸岛是中国固有领土,中方在自家领土上进行基础设施建设,部署必要的防御性力量,天经地义、无可厚非,任何人包括澳方都无权妄议。我想强调的是,如果一个国家的防务部门官员执迷于对立对抗,刻意在南海制造喧哗与骚动,这个国家将要失去的,恐怕不止下一个十年,还将失去国际信誉以及与地区国家的合作机遇。?
The South China Sea islands are China’s inherent territory. China’s infrastructure construction and deployment of necessary defensive forces on its own soil are perfectly reasonable and justified. No one, including the Australian side, has the right to arrogantly make irresponsible remarks. What I want to emphasize is that if a nation’s defense authorities are obsessed with confrontation and deliberately make waves in the South China Sea, what it will lose is not just the next decade, but also its international credibility and the opportunities to cooperate with regional countries.?
- 关于南海问题,中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。中方致力于同直接有关的当事国在尊重历史事实和国际法的基础上,通过谈判协商解决有关争议。而美方作为域外国家,无视国际法和国际关系基本准则,时常打着“航行自由”的幌子在南海炫耀武力、挑衅搅局,不断破坏地区国家维护南海和平稳定的努力,成为南海紧张局势的直接推手。发展健康稳定的两军关系符合中美双方共同利益,也是国际社会的普遍期待。我们敦促美方切实尊重中国的核心利益和重大关切,纠正自身错误言行,多做有利于两国两军关系发展的事情。中国军队将坚决捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益,坚定维护地区和世界和平稳定。?
Regarding the South China Sea issue, China has indisputable sovereignty over South China Sea islands and their neighboring waters. China is committed to working with countries directly involved to settle the disputes through negotiation and consultation on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law. However, the US, a country out of the region, has over and again flaunted its military power, stirred troubles and made provocations in the South China Sea under the disguise of “freedom of navigation” and in disregard of international law and the basic norms governing international relations. The US has undermined the efforts made by regional countries in maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea. It is a direct source of heightened tensions in the South China Sea. A healthy and stable mil-to-mil relationship is in the interests of both China and the US and meets the general expectation of the international community.?We urge the US side to truly respect China’s core interests and major concerns, correct its wrong words and deeds, and do more to facilitate the development of bilateral ties and military relations. The Chinese military will resolutely safeguard China’s national sovereignty, security and development interests and protect peace and stability in the region and the world at large.
Today’s quote:
- 不久前赖甚至还公开宣称要“实现台湾领导人走入白宫的终极目标”。这充分暴露赖作为“台独”分裂分子的极端危险性。世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。台湾自古属于中国的历史经纬清晰、法理事实清楚。虽然海峡两岸尚未统一,但台湾是中国领土一部分的地位从未改变,也不允许改变,中国拥有对台湾主权从未改变,也不可能改变。目前,全世界包括美国在内的182个国家在一个中国原则的基础上与中国建立了外交关系,美国政府也多次重申不支持“台独”。何来“台湾主权”之说?台湾从来不是一个国家,也永远不会成为一个国家。?
Just recently, Lai [Ching-te 赖清德] openly claimed his ultimate goal is for the leader of Taiwan to “walk into the White House”, which says enough about the extremely dangerous nature of Lai as a “Taiwan independence” separatist. There is only one China in the world, Taiwan is part of China—this has been so since ancient times. The historical context and legal facts to support that are crystal clear. Though the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are yet to be reunified, Taiwan’s status as part of China’s territory has never changed and must not change. China’s sovereignty over Taiwan has never changed and will not change. As of today, 182 countries in the world, including the US, have established diplomatic relations with China on the basis of the one-China principle. The US government has repeated time and again that it will not support “Taiwan independence”.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 1951年9月4日至8日,美国纠集一些国家,在排斥中华人民共和国、苏联的情况下,在美国旧金山召开所谓“对日和会”,签署包含“日本放弃对台湾、澎湖列岛之所有权利和请求权”等内容的“旧金山和约”。该“和约”违反1942年中美英苏等26国签署的《联合国家宣言》规定,违反《联合国宪章》和国际法基本原则,对台湾主权归属等任何涉及中国作为非缔约国的领土和主权权利的处置也都是非法、无效的。中国政府从一开始就郑重声明,“旧金山和约”由于没有中华人民共和国参加准备、拟制和签订,中国政府认为是非法无效的,绝不承认。苏联、波兰、捷克斯洛伐克、朝鲜、蒙古、越南等国家也拒绝承认“和约”效力。?
Between September 4 and 8, 1951, the United States gathered a number of countries in San Francisco for what they described as the San Francisco Peace Conference. Neither the PRC nor the Soviet Union received an invitation. The treaty signed at this meeting, commonly known as the Treaty of San Francisco, included an article under which Japan renounced all rights, title and claim to Taiwan and the Penghu Islands. This treaty contravened the provisions of the Declaration by United Nations signed by 26 countries - including the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and China - in 1942, the fundamental principles of the UN Charter, and the basic norms of international law. The PRC was excluded from its preparation, drafting and signing, and its rulings on the territory and sovereign rights of China - including the sovereignty over Taiwan - are therefore illegal and invalid. The Chinese government has always refused to recognize the Treaty of San Francisco, and has never from the outset deviated from this stance. Other countries, including the Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Mongolia, and Vietnam, have also refused to recognize the document's authority.
- 赞比亚下凯富峡水电站作为近40年来赞最大基建项目,每年减少碳排放66.35万吨,每天带来100多万美元电费收入。?
The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydropower Project, the largest infrastructure project in Zambia in nearly 40 years, reduces carbon emissions by 663,500 tonnes per year and generates more than USD 1 million in revenues per day.?
- 亚吉铁路投入运营5年来,有力促进了埃塞俄比亚、吉布提等地区国家人员、货物流动。?
The Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, which started operation five years ago, has greatly facilitated the flow of people and goods among Ethiopia, Djibouti and other regional countries.?
Today’s quote:
- 有媒体报道,根据危地马拉大选第二轮投票逾98%的计票结果,危地马拉种子运动党候选人阿雷瓦洛获得58.51%的选票,领先全国希望联盟候选人托雷斯逾30个百分点。?
According to media reports, with 98 percent of the ballots counted in the second round of Guatemala’s presidential election, Bernardo Arevalo of the Seed Movement won 58.51 percent of the vote, 30 percentage points ahead of Sandra Torres of the National Union of Hope.?
Previous PRC histoy of the term:
- 据报道,近日,危地马拉政治学者分析认为,危地马拉种子运动党候选人阿雷瓦洛很可能在危大选第二轮投票中胜出,阿雷瓦洛当选后将会承认一个中国原则,同中国建交。?
A political scholar in Guatemala analyzed that the Seed Movement party candidate Bernardo Arevalo is very likely to win the second round of voting and he will recognize the one-China principle and establish diplomatic ties with China after being elected.?
Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/yw5tmrft