FuelEU Maritime
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Avrupa Birli?i (AB), Fit for 55 Paketi kapsam?nda sera gaz? (GHG) emisyonlar?n? (CO2, CH4 ve N2O) azaltmak amac?yla gemilerde yenilenebilir ve dü?ük karbonlu yak?tlar?n kullan?m?n? te?vik etmek i?in FuelEU Maritime y?netmeliklerini geli?tirmi?tir.
FuelEU Maritime, 2025 y?l?ndan itibaren AB/EEA üye ülkelerinde yürürlü?e girecek olan düzenlemelerdir. Bu y?netmelikler, AB ETS kapsam?na benzer ?ekilde AB/EEA limanlar?na gelen veya bu limanlardan ayr?lan gros tonaj? (GT) 5.000 ve üzeri olan gemileri kapsayacakt?r.
Sera gaz? yo?unluk limiti, Well-to-Wake ya?am d?ngüsüne g?re de?erlendirilecek ve her be? y?lda bir gü?lendirilecektir.
?unlardan olu?ur:
? Sera gaz? yo?unlu?unun azalt?lmas?
? S?f?r emisyonlu yana?ma (Karadaki gü? kayna?? (OPS))
? Biyolojik k?kenli olmayan yenilenebilir yak?tlar (RFNBOs) Kapsanan sera gazlar? aras?nda CO2, metan (CH4) ve azot oksit (N2O) bulunmaktad?r.
Sera gaz? yo?unlu?u, üretim, da??t?m ve yak?t depolamadan (Well-to-Tank ve Tankto-Wake) kaynaklanan emisyonlar? i?eren bir ya?am d?ngüsüne dayal? olarak hesaplan?r.
Sera Gaz? Yo?unlu?unun Azalt?lmas?
Sera Gaz? Yo?unlu?unun Azalt?lmas? Sera gaz? yo?unlu?unun azalt?lmas? 1 Ocak 2025'ten itibaren ba?layacakt?r.Bu y?netmeli?in kapsam?, AB/EEA limanlar?na gelen veya bu limanlardan ayr?lan 5000 GT üzerindeki gemilerde kullan?lan enerjiyi kapsamaktad?r. Sera gaz? yo?unlu?unun de?erlendirilmesi, ya?am d?ngüsü (Well-to-Wake) temelinde ger?ekle?tirilir. Sera gaz? yo?unluk de?eri, filonun 2020 yo?unluk de?erinin ortalamas?n? a?mayacakt?r. 2050 y?l?na kadar her 5 y?lda bir sera gaz? yo?unlu?u, 91,16 olan 2020 yo?unluk de?erine g?re a?a??daki ?ekilde azalt?lacakt?r:
Bir denizcilik ?irketi y?netmelik s?n?rlar?na uymazsa, ?irket ?demesi gereken bir ceza ile kar?? kar??ya kalacakt?r. Uygunluk konusunda eksiklik g?steren her gemi ceza ?demek durumunda kalacakt?r. Benzer ?ekilde, s?f?r emisyonlu bir limana uygun Page 2 / 10 olmayan her bir u?rama i?in ceza ?denecektir. Cezalardan elde edilen fonlar, denizcilik sekt?rünün karbonsuzla?t?r?lmas?n? ama?layan projeleri desteklemek i?in kullan?lacakt?r.
AB/EEA limanlar? i?indeki limanlardan kalkan/varan ve bu limanlara yana?an seferler i?in yak?t tüketiminin %100'ü, AB/EEA ve AB/EEA d??? limanlar aras?ndaki seferler i?in ise yak?t tüketiminin %50'si y?netmelik kapsam?ndad?r.
S?f?r emisyonlu yana?ma (Karadaki gü? kayna?? (OPS))
Bu y?netmelik, AB/EEA limanlar?na gelen 5000 GT üzerindeki konteyner ve yolcu gemileri i?in 1 Ocak 2030 tarihinden itibaren limanlarda karadaki gü? kayna?? (OPS) veya s?f?r emisyon teknolojisinin kullan?lmas?n? gerektirmektedir. Bu limanlar?n belirlenmesi ayr? bir AB y?netmeli?inin konusu olacakt?r. Buna ek olarak, 1 Ocak 2035 tarihinden itibaren, yukar?da belirtilen limanlar kapsam?nda olmayan r?ht?ma yana?acak gemilerin de, limanda mevcut bir OPS bulunmas? ko?uluyla, OPS'ye ba?lanmas? gerekecektir.
Avrupa Komisyonu, 1 Ocak 2025 tarihinden itibaren Biyolojik K?kenli Olmayan Yenilenebilir Yak?tlar?n (RFNBOs) kullan?m?n? te?vik edecektir. RFNBO'lar?n 1 Ocak 2025'ten 31 Aral?k 2033'e kadar kullan?m?, gemide kullan?lan enerjinin ger?ek sera gaz? yo?unlu?unun hesaplanmas?nda RFNBO'lar?n sera gaz? yo?unlu?unun yar?ya indirilemesi anlam?nda ?düllendirilecektir. RFNBO'lar?n pay? 1 Ocak ve 31 Aral?k 2031 tarihleri aras?nda y?netmelik kapsam?ndaki tüm yak?t kullan?m?n?n %1'inden az olursa, 1 Ocak 2034'ten itibaren bir alt hedef olarak %2 RFNBO'lar zorunlu k?l?nacakt?r.
Sera Gaz? Yo?unlu?u ve Cezas?n?n Hesaplanmas?
Sera gaz? yo?unlu?unun de?erlendirilmesi ya?am d?ngüsü (Well-to-Wake) baz?nda ger?ekle?tirilir. Her bir yak?t?n sera gaz? (GHG) yo?unlu?u, well-to-tank ve tank-towake emisyon fakt?rleri birle?tirilerek hesaplan?r ve toplam? yak?t?n GHG yo?unlu?unu Page 3 / 10 olu?turur.
Gemide birden fazla yak?t kullan?l?yorsa, sera gaz? yo?unlu?u kullan?lan yak?tlar?n a??rl?kl? ortalamas? olacakt?r. Ayr?ca, AB-MRV Y?netmelikleri uyar?nca toplanan veriler FuelEU Maritime izleme ve raporlama amac?yla da kullan?lacakt?r. Avrupa Komisyonu'nun zaman? geldi?inde daha fazla ayr?nt? vermesi beklenmektedir.
Cezan?n hesaplanmas?
?irket, cezay? do?rulama d?neminin 30 Haziran’?na kadar ?demelidir. Ceza miktar? yak?t türüne ve kullan?lan yak?t miktar?na vb. g?re hesaplan?r.
Cezan?n hesaplanmas?na ili?kin formül a?a??da g?sterilmi?tir.
Bir gemi sera gaz? yo?unlu?u s?n?r?n? iki veya daha fazla y?l üst üste kar??layamazsa, ceza tutar? 1+(n-1)/10 ile ?arp?lacakt?r; burada n cezan?n uygulanaca?? y?l say?s?d?r.
Bir gemi iki veya daha fazla ard???k raporlama y?l? boyunca FuelEU Maritime Uygunluk Belgesine sahip olma gereklili?ine uymam??sa, u?rak liman?n?n bulundu?u AB/EEA üye Devletinin yetkili makam? bir s?n?r d??? etme emri ??karabilir. Her üye Devlet, ?irket yükümlülüklerini yerine getirinceye kadar s?n?r d??? etme karar?na konu olan geminin herhangi bir liman?na giri?ini reddedecektir.
Raporlama d?neminde en az bir uygunsuz liman giri?i yapan her gemi i?in ?irket, do?rulama d?neminin 30 Haziran’?na kadar bir ceza ?demek zorundad?r.
Cezan?n seviyesi a?a??daki ü? fakt?rün ?arp?m? ile belirlenir:
? 1.5 Euro/kWh,
? kW cinsinden r?ht?mdaki geminin toplam elektrik gücü talebi (=konaklama ve yük elle?leme i? yükleri dahil olmak üzere r?ht?mdaki bir geminin toplam elektrik talebinin en yüksek de?eri)
? R?ht?mda uygun olmayan saat say?s? (en yak?n tam saate yuvarlanm?? toplam saat say?s?).
Sera Gaz? Yo?unlu?unun ve Kullan?lan Enerjinin Do?rulanmas?
FuelEU Maritime y?netmeliklerinde, bir geminin sera gaz? yo?unlu?u ve kulland??? enerji, FuelEU ?zleme Plan? ve raporlamas? kapsam?nda toplanan verilere dayanarak do?rulanmaktad?r.
FuelEU Raporu ?unlar? i?ermelidir:
? Kalk?? ve var?? limanlar? (tarih ve saat dahil)
? Limanda ve seyirde kullan?lan yak?t miktar? ve
? OPS arac?l???yla gemiye sa?lanan elektrik miktar?.
Esneklik Mekanizmas?
?irketlere uyum fazlal???n? bir y?ldan di?erine devretme veya belirli s?n?rlar dahilinde bir sonraki y?ldan avans uyum fazlas? ?dün? alma esnekli?i tan?nmaktad?r.
Belirli bir raporlama d?neminin ard?ndan geminin pozitif uyum dengesine sahip olmas? durumunda, yani gemide kullan?lan enerji i?in hesaplanan sera gaz? yo?unlu?unun gerekenden dü?ük olmas? durumunda, ?irket bu uyum fazlas?n? FuelEU veri taban?nda bir sonraki raporlama d?nemine aktarabilir.
Geminin raporlama d?nemi i?in bir uyum a???? olmas? durumunda, ?irket bir sonraki raporlama d?neminden kar??l?k gelen tutarda bir avans uyum fazlas?n? bor? alabilir. Avans uyum fazlas?, raporlama d?neminde geminin bakiyesine eklenecek ve bir sonraki raporlama d?neminde ayn? geminin bakiyesinden dü?ülecektir. Bir sonraki raporlama d?neminde dü?ülecek tutar, avans uyum fazlas?n?n 1.1 ile ?arp?m?na e?it olacakt?r. Avans uyum fazlas? ?u durumlarda bor?lan?lamaz:
(a) Madde 4(2)'de belirtilen s?n?r? %2'den fazla a?an miktar i?in, Ek I uyar?nca hesaplanan geminin enerji tüketimi ile ?arp?m?,
(b) birbirini izleyen iki raporlama d?nemi i?in.
Havuzda Toplama
Gemide kullan?lan enerjinin sera gaz? yo?unlu?una ve uygulanabilir olmas? halinde iki veya daha fazla geminin RFNBO alt hedefine y?nelik uyumluluk bakiyeleri, Y?netmeli?in gerekliliklerine uymak amac?yla bir havuzda toplanabilir.
Havuzda toplama, Y?netmeli?in 21. maddesinde ayr?nt?l? olarak a??kland??? üzere ?ok somut kurallar? beraberinde getirmektedir:
? Bir geminin uyumluluk bakiyesi ayn? raporlama d?neminde birden fazla havuza dahil edilemez.
? Sera gaz? yo?unlu?u hedefi ve RFNBO alt hedefi i?in iki ayr? havuz kullan?labilir.
? Bir havuz kurmak i?in bir ?irketin niyetini FuelEU veri taban?na kaydettirmesi gerekir.
? Do?rulay?c? se?imi de dahil olmak üzere havuz detaylar? tüm kat?l?mc? ?irketler taraf?ndan do?rulanmal?d?r.
? Havuzda toplama, gemi tipi ve boyutuna bak?lmaks?z?n y?netmelik kapsam?ndaki tüm gemiler i?in mümkün olacakt?r.
Havuzda toplama imkan?, uyumluluk fazlas?n? havuza vermeye haz?r a??r? uyumlu/a??r? ba?ar?l? gemilerin mevcudiyetine ba?l? olarak tüm gemiler i?in ge?erli olacakt?r. Havuzlar?n kurulmas?n?n FuelEU veri taban? taraf?ndan teknik olarak onaylanmas? gerekecektir.
FuelEU Maritime
The European Union (EU) developed Fuel EU Maritime regulations to encourage the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels on board ships in order to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emission (CO2, CH4 and N2O) on the scope of Fit for 55 Package. FuelEU Maritime is regulations that will be in place in EU/EEA member states from 2025.
These regulations will cover ships with a gross tonnage (GT) of 5,000 and above arriving at or departing from EU/EEA ports similar to EU ETS scope. The GHG density limit will be evaluated based on a Well-to-Wake lifecycle and will be strengthened every five years.
It consist of:
? Reduction of GHG intensity
? Zero Emission Berthing (On-shore power supply(OPS))
? Renewable Fuels of non-Biological Origin (RFNBOs)
Covered greenhouse gases include CO2, methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). GHG density is calculated based on a lifecycle that includes emissions from production, distribution, and fuel storage (Well-to-Tank and Tank-to-Wake).
Reduction of GHG Intensity
Reduction of GHG intensity provisions will start from 1 January 2025. The scope of this regulation covers energy used on board ships of over 5000 GT, arriving at or departing from EU/EEA ports. The assessment of the GHG intensity is carried out on a life-cycle (Well-to-Wake) basis. The GHG intensity value shall not to exceed the average of 2020 intensity value of fleet. Every 5 years until 2050, GHG intensity will be reduced relative to 2020 intensity value which is 91.16 as follows:
If a shipping company fails to comply with the regulation limits, the company will face a penalty to pay. Penalties will have to be paid to every ship that has a deficit in its compliance. Similarly, penalties will be payable for each non-compliant call at a zeroemission port. The funds generated by the penalties will be used to support collaborative projects aimed at decarbonizing the maritime sector.
For routes departing from/arriving at and berthing at ports within EU/EEA ports, 100% of the fuel consumption is covered by the regulation, and for routes between EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA ports, 50% of the fuel consumption is covered by the regulation.
Zero Emission Berthing (On-shore power supply (OPS))
This regulation requires the use of on-shore power supply (OPS) or zero-emission technology in ports from 1 January 2030 for container and passenger ships over 5000 GT while moored in EU/EEA ports. The designation of these ports will be the subject of a separate EU regulation. In addition, as from 1 January 2035, ships moored at the quayside that are not covered by the above-mentioned ports will also be required to be connected to the OPS, provided that the port is equipped with an available OPS.
From 1 January 2025, the European Commission will incentivise the uptake of Renewable Fuels of non-Biological Origin (RFNBOs). The use of RFNBOs from 1 January 2025 until 31 December 2033 will be rewarded in a sense that, the GHG intensity of RFNBOs will be halved for the calculation of the actual GHG intensity of the energy used on board. If the share of RFNBOs is less than 1% of all fuel usage within scope of the regulation between 1 January and 31 December 2031, then a sub target will mandate 2% RFNBOs from 1 January 2034.
Calculation of GHG Intensity and Penalty
The assessment of the GHG intensity is carried out on a life-cycle (Well-to-Wake) basis. The greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of each fuel is calculated by combining the well-to-tank and tank-to-wake emission factors, the sum being the fuel's GHG intensity. If multiple fuels are used on board ship, GHG intensity will be weighted average of used fuels.
Furthermore, the data collected in accordance with the EU-MRV Regulations will also be utilized for the purpose of FuelEU Maritime monitoring and reporting. The European Commission is expected to provide further details in due course.
Calculation of penalty
The company must pay the penalty by 30 June of the verification period. The amount of the penalty is calculated according to the type of fuel and the amount of fuel used, etc.
The formula for calculating the penalty is shown below.
If a ship fails to meet the GHG intensity limit for two or more consecutive years, the penalty amount will be multiplied by 1+(n-1)/10, where n is the number of years the penalty applies to.
The competent authority of the EU/EEA Member State of the port of call may issue an expulsion order if a ship has not complied with the requirement to have a FuelEU Maritime Document of Compliance for two or more consecutive reporting years. Each Member State shall refuse entry into any of its ports of the ship which is the subject of the expulsion order until such time as the company complies with its obligations.
For each ship which made at least one non-compliant port call in the reporting period, the company has to pay a penalty by 30 June of the verification period.
The level of the penalty is determined by the multiplication of the following three factors:
? 1.5 Euro/kWh;
? total electric power demand of the ship at berth in kW (=highest value of the total demand for electricity of a ship at berth, including hotel and cargo handling workloads);
? number of non-compliant hours at berth (total number of hours rounded up to the nearest whole hour).
Confirmation of GHG Intensity and Energy Used
In the FuelEU Maritime regulations, GHG intensity and the energy used by a ship are confirmed based on the data collected under the FuelEU Monitoring Plan and reporting.
FuelEU Report should include:
? Departure and arrival ports (including date and time)
? Amount of fuels used while at berth and at sea; and
? Amount of electricity supplied to the ship through the OPS.
Flexibility Mechanism
Companies are allowed the flexibility of rolling-over a compliance surplus from one year to another or borrowing an advance compliance surplus, within certain limits, from the following year.
If, following a specific reporting period, the ship has positive compliance balance, i.e. if the calculated GHG intensity for the energy used onboard is lower than the required, the company may bank this compliance surplus to the following reporting period in the FuelEU database.
Where the ship has a compliance deficit for the reporting period, the company may borrow an advance compliance surplus of the corresponding amount from the 31 August Submission of Monitoring Plan 1 January Begining of Reporting Period 31 January Submission of FuelEU Report to Verifier 31 March Reporting of Verification Results 30 April Declaration of surplus Verifier report 30 June Issuance of DoC Payment of Penalties following reporting period. The advance compliance surplus shall be added to the ship’s balance in the reporting period and subtracted from the same ship’s balance in the following reporting period. The amount to be subtracted in the following reporting period shall be equal to the advance compliance surplus multiplied by 1.1. The advance compliance surplus may not be borrowed:
(a)for the amount exceeding by more than 2% the limit set out in Article 4(2), multiplied by the energy consumption of the ship calculated in accordance with Annex I;
(b)for two consecutive reporting periods.
The compliance balances for GHG intensity of the energy used onboard and, if applicable, for an RFNBO subtarget of two or more ships, may be pooled for the purposes of complying with the requirements of the Regulation.
Pooling comes with very concrete rules, as detailed in Article 21 of the Regulation:
? A ship’s compliance balance may not be included in more than one pool in the same reporting period.
? Two separate pools may be used for the GHG intensity target and the RFNBO subtarget.
? To establish a pool, a company must register its intention in the FuelEU database,
? Pool details, including verifier selection, must be validated by all participating companies.
? Pooling will be possible for all ships covered under the scope of the regulation, irrespective of ship type and size.
The possibility to pool will be available to all ships, depending on the availability of overcompliance/overachieving ships ready to give out their compliance surplus to pooling. The establishment of pools will have to be technically confirmed by the FuelEU database.
For more information:
Principal Research and Rule Development Engineer
Marine Sector Tel : +90-216-5813700 (805)
Fax : +90-216-5813840
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.turkloydu.org