Fuel theft is up by 90% in the last year!

Fuel theft is up by 90% in the last year!

On 1st April 2022, the UK government removed the entitlements for the usage of red diesel and biofuels from most industrial sectors of the economy, including construction.?The tax changes have ensured that most users red diesel and other biofuels would be taxed at the standard rate for diesel.

Whilst this measure has been implemented to help meet the UKs climate change and air quality targets, it has resulted in the value of diesel stored on construction sites increasing significantly.?Not only has this added an additional 50% to the cost of fuel in construction industry, but it has also considerably increased the security risk on site from theft of white diesel from vehicles and on-site storage tanks.?Some £200m worth of fuel is stolen in the UK per annum, with a large proportion from construction sites.

With at pump white diesel price increases throughout 2022 and into 2023 peaking at almost 200p per litre, and the removal of red diesel from construction sites, there has been a staggering increase in fuel theft.?Police forces have warned that large quantities of white diesel being stored on construction sites with inadequate security provisions in place is a huge issue to for construction industry.

North Wales Police have said that these was an estimated £1m of fuel thefts from construction sites following the revocation of red fuel on construction sites in 2022. ??The thieves reportedly used sophisticated means which could syphon 10,000 litters of fuel in half an hour.?Typical storage tanks can hold up to 44,000 litres which could lead to a loss of some £80k in one go!?

By recognising that theft of white diesel is a huge risk on construction sites and understanding that white diesel is not only of huge monetary value but also a target for theft we can begin to explore how we can deter these thefts in the first place.?As vehicles and on-site security storage is exactly that, on site, we need to develop plans to prevent people from gaining access to the site in the first place, followed by monitoring and controlling the usage of fuel on site. ?

To prevent the theft of fuel from site, it is wise to consider your on-site security provisions:

  • Do you have robust perimeter fence lines and hoardings in place?
  • Do you have adequate, monitored CCTV focussed on vulnerable points, the fuel storage areas and plant and machinery?
  • Have you considered appointing an accredited Security Industry Authority (SIA), security provider who holds the industry Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) accreditation?
  • Have you considered implementing strict controls on who has access to the fuel on site?
  • Have you implemented a stock monitoring system of fuel usage from vehicles and on-site fuel storage?
  • Have you considered a dedicated key holder for fuel management?
  • Have you installed fuel-tracking systems and the use of fuel cards to monitor the use of fuel on site?
  • Do you report the theft of fuel to the police and obtain a crime reference number?
  • Have you considered low-cost fuel dyes?

There are several things that you can do to help the cause, prevent the loss, and ultimately reduce the risk of theft from your sites.?Deployment of solar powered CCTV towers for sites with no power, the implementation of K-9 Dog Units, clear signage to show that you have security in place and the monitoring, recording, and reporting of fuel thefts to the police will not only reduce the likelihood of the theft in the first instance but will help to support your claim with your insurers.

For help in finding the right security solution, or to discuss your projects security requirements, give the team at Guardior a call on 0208 278 7068 or email [email protected] who will be more than happy to assist you.?


