Fuel Pricing Mechanism in South Africa
The recent few months regulated fuel price adjustments on diesel have been the most significant fluctuations in history.
This has naturally generated intense discussions and debates around the topic of fuel pricing and, more specifically, who is benefitting from price increases. What has become evident is the widespread lack of understanding and knowledge of how regulated fuel prices are determined and what factors have an influence on the adjustment of the regulated fuel price during any given month.?
In this article, we will explain the various pricing components that, when combined, determine the regulated wholesale list price (WSLP) for diesel in a particular fuel zone. This regulated WSLP is used as the benchmark against which all rebates/discounts are applied to order to determine a nett selling price to the end-user.?
The first building block of the diesel price is the Basic Fuel Price (BFP). The determination of the BFP is based on the principle of import parity i.e. what it would cost a South African importer to source, transport, and ultimately land refined 50ppm diesel in South Africa.?
The BFP is determined by various cost components, including:
The above cost components are quoted in US$/ton, so the ZAR/US$ exchange rate has a significant impact on the eventual ZAR value of the BFP.
Once the BFP (deemed landed cost) of diesel has been determined, the local duties, levies, and other imposts are added to the BFP. These include:
Further to the above government-imposed taxes and levies, there are additional industry related costs that applied to the cost build-up. These include:
Pricing components are reviewed and adjusted on a pre-determined basis. Important price review dates are:
What is evident from the pricing formula is that there is no additional margin made available to anyone when the prices are adjusted, irrespective of whether it be up or down. While there is an opportunity to make stock profits by purchasing and storing additional stock before a price increase. The converse applies, where a loss will be made on any stock carried over into a price decrease period.?
By Greg Salzwedel - New Business development for the Renati Group