Fuel Cells: Morgan Stanley on How to Use Calfornia's Excess Solar

Fuel Cells: Morgan Stanley on How to Use Calfornia's Excess Solar

A new report for energy investors by Morgan Stanley makes a point often missed about the new energy paradigm. To understand the real value of distributed energy technologies — like fuel cells — it’s important to watch not so much how they perform alone, but how they work together.

“Investors generally assess power-related technologies (batteries, solar panels, EVs [electric vehicles] and fuel cells) on a stand-alone basis, but we see these technologies converging in interesting ways,” says the report, The Intersection of EVs, Solar, Fuel Cells, Hydrogen and Energy Storage.

The reason? Acting together distributed energy tech often captures efficiencies, emissions reductions and grid-related revenue streams more effectively than when they act singularly.

The October 18 report finds California particularly ripe for the convergence, given the state’s need to find use for the excess solar energy it produces in the afternoon, the infamous Duck Curve.

EV charging can absorb some of the excess solar. But it also can...Continue reading on Microgrid Knowledge.

Distributed wind power solution with outstanding efficiency.? Windroto.com?


Yes! The synergy of a fuel cell, a plug in electric car and the need for grid storage! I have been predicting this for a long time. It’s the only way it is feasible. But you still might have to drive for Uber.


