Fuel Catalyst - Impact on #Bunker Fuel - Crude Oil Tanker??
Earl Hersh
Delivers, for all engines: longer life, more power, cleaner & lower costs. Specific turnkey no capex solutions for local / mega fleets. Targets are ALL land, brown water & ocean vessel fleets. Diesel, gasoline, bunker.
Previous articles/ posts have shared the data & visual impact of our EPA Tier 1 (#NASA origin) Fuel catalyst on engines powered by #diesel fuel.
Those publications all reflect the consistent outcome of the fuel catalyst (my company is a 2nd tier distributor). For example, all engines run with light combustion soot, particulate matter can be reduced up to 80%, regenerations (#Tier4 engines) are quicker, fuel reduction pivots on engine RPM, etc..
Fuel Catalyst - Consistent Outcome?
>The data agrees to the visuals; the visuals agrees to the data.
Catalyst Impact on Bunker Fuel/ mega large marine engines?
This was a request by a mega fleet utilizing diesel fuel.
By definition, a #catalyst delivers consistent results.
>This photo is of a #turbo from a #CrudeOil Tanker (25 year corporate customer) burning #bunker fuel.
>The visual is the same as the class 8 truck fueled by diesel.
>The visuals are proxies for the catalyst impact on the engine from combustion thru exhaust.
>Exciting results - eh?
Data Results?
What would you sense fleets would embrace when their engines run this clean?
>Reduction Particulate Matter/ Carbon?
>Increase horsepower/torque?
>Reduction Fuel Consumed/ Emissions?
>Reduced Maintenance?
>Reduced #SmokedStackFires?
>Substantial #IRR/ #ROI?
Action Item
>Feel free to share with fleets/ fueling vessels.
>Contact me for how the catalyst impacts mega users of diesel/bunker.
>Join me in helping reduce emissions, conserve fuel and increase the quality of air for ALL!
The outcomes of clean engines are very beneficial for running the system smoothly and this can be done through EPA Tier 1?