Fuck you, Joe McCarthy, and the crypto-Nazi white supremacist Conservative horse you rode into town on.
What do you think of the recent New York Time’s article saying that the American flag itself has become a dividing political symbol coopted by the right and that flying the flag, unfortunately, makes people assume you’re a conservative?https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/03/nyregion/american-flag-politics-polarization.html?searchResultPosition=3
In 1981, I was declared RINO by a founding member of the GOP Deep State, Charles Z. Wick,, who was Reagan’s transition czar. Wick produced Snow White and the Three Stooges, which provided the boys a comfortable pension they lacked. Wick was part of the Hollywood Red Baiters who benefited the most from Joe McCarthy’s Red Scare because the Black List eliminated most of the really talented Jews in the business. Rosenbergs were sort of a cherry on top.
My dad was working for Ridgway during the Army/McCarthy Hearings. The Army was an institutional fan of McCarthy because there was, in fact, a soviet espionage threat in the government. The Cold War was a real thing and not, as is the conventional wisdom of liberals, particularly the white Boomer liberals my age who were part of the anti-war movement and generally avoided military service, in contrast to the pro-war crypto-Nazi white supremancist draft dodgers like Bill Barr and Pat Buchanan who I associate with the Conservatives who stormed the Capitol on January 6. The white Boomer liberals were wrong about Vietnam because they were wrong about the Cold War. The crypto-Naz white supremancist Conservatives were wrong on January 6.
But when McCarthy turned against the Army and revealed to the Army just what a demagogue he was and the role the demagogues played in the South to ignite the traitorous insurgency is part of the institutional memory of the Secretariate of the Chief of Staff of the US Army and they realized that white supremancist/domestic extremism was, as is, a far greater existential threat to the US Constitution, as was displayed on January 6 by what I consider to be the tip of the GOP Deep State and is populated by the pure essence of crypto-Nazi white supremacist Conservatives.
And, as a consequence, the Army did two things. First of all, they implemented a purge of all the right wing white supremacists they could identify in the senior military leadership roles in the name of Eisenhower’s 1956 Presidential Platform to reduce the military budget. We had family friends who took a reduction in rank for their last years before retirement to get their full 25 or 30 years.
The other thing that happened is that Army bands began playing The 1812 Overture on the 4th of July because it is appropriately noisy and rousing and just the thing before the fireworks begin to bloom in the firmament.
That was the official reason: entertainment. But there was a more subversive intent typical of the Army culture: the Army play it as a tribute to the Red Army and the Spirit of the Elbe It is the Army’s sly way of saying “Fuck YOU, “Tail-gunner Joe” McCarthy and the right-wing white supremacist Conservative horse you rode in aon, motherfucker!” or words to that effect.
That’s pretty much the spirit of my response to the question. As I say, I was declared RINO in January 1981 by one of the founding members of the GOP Deep State because I was a Vietnam “loser” (in the Donald J. Trump sense of the word “loser” and military KIA) and because I was doing business with the Soviets.
Joe McCarthy was a right wing white supremancist Conservative. Charles Z Wick was a crypto-Nazi white supremacist Conservative. The difference is William F. Buckley, who made Fascism Harvard Yard fashionable during the 50s and 60s and his PBS program, Firing Line, was a seminar he conducted in Fascist sophistry. William F. Buckley, Jr.,, is the original crypto-Nazi white supremacist Conservative and Boomer white supremacist Conservative Reaganauts haven’t had an original thought since Buckley issued his Sharon Statement in 1960 and his goal in 1960 was to elevate Joe McCarthy as a national hero and elect a deagogue like him to re-configure the US Constitution along Buckley’s crypto-Nazi ideological design, And people like Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson have been megaphones of crypto-Nazi disinformation whose effectness can be measure by the DIttohead demographic and January 6.
So, in terms of this question, the accuracy of the TIme’s article is yet another metric measuring the effectiveness of crypto-Nazi white supremacist disinformation Limbaugh broadcast 4 hours a day Monday through Friday, plus the Armed Foreces Network. Limbaugh managed to conflate “liberal” and “Democrat” with “nigger” and “nigger-lover”, which was particulary potent with white male liberals. Back when I was growing up in the South, calling another white boy a “nigger lover” very often involved knives and baseball bats. Limbaugh managed to get white Democrats in Congress to flinch from being called liberal or Democrats on news programs because they they had no way to fight back against the label “nigger lover”.
This American flag identification is a result of crypto-Nazi white supremacist Conservative disinformation, the Big Lie at the grass roots level. The January 6 Conservatives were trying to stab Capitol Police with spears with American flags wrapped arong them.
If you agree with this response to this question by Bill Berotti, you are a cyrpto-Nazi white supremacist Conservative, to wit:
The New York Times finally got something right.
Conservatives love what is still left of our country, and so-called liberals seem to despise everything about this country.
So if you see people proudly saluting or waving the America flag, there is an excellent chance those people are conservatives.
And if you agree with Bill, you probably consider this a dress rehersal:
I’m an Eisenhower Republican. I voted for Nixon before I went to Vietnam and I voted for him when I got back. I went to Vietnam so the Dixie Chicks could protest a stupid idea by crypto-Nazi white supremacist Conservatives determined to betray America’s core values and to become a rogue nation in global Free Market dystopia.
If you agree with Bill Berotti’s response, this song’s for you: