FSI Pulse: November 2024

FSI Pulse: November 2024

Along with chillier weather, the past month brought several opportunities to connect with and spotlight hard-working healthcare Facilities and HTM professionals, from National Healthcare Facilities and Engineering Week to FSI's Customer Advisory Board meeting and plenty of meaningful conversations at trade shows.

Let's get into recent news!

The FSI Team

In the News

Register: TechNation Tools of the Trade Demo

Join FSI and TechNation on November 6th at 2pm ET for a live demo of the latest FSI features designed to empower healthcare teams with time-saving automations that keep data clean. Get a walkthrough of Flow, our no-code automation building tool, and our integration with Fluke Biomedical OneQA to keep device testing centralized in CMMS.

Customer Spotlight

We recently held our annual Customer Advisory Board meeting in Salt Lake City, gathering FSI staff and healthcare leaders who create their organization's CMMS strategy to connect over the user experience, development plans, and how FSI can continue to support the priority needs of users — both current and in the near future as the industry evolves.?

We are happy to shine a well-deserved spotlight on these super-users for lending their input that will help shape the future of the FSI platform!

Upcoming Events

Conference season is winding down, but there are still plenty of opportunities to see the FSI team in person and get a live demo or ask any of your burning CMMS questions! Here's where FSI will be in the coming weeks:

CICHE Annual Conference


Peoria, IL

Oregon Biomedical Association 2024 Expo

11/7 - 11/8

Portland, OR

HTM Mixer

11/15 - 11/16

Lexington, KY

Curious about where else we'll be in the coming months? Click here to check out our current events calendar and conveniently request one-on-one time with an FSI rep during any events you'll be attending!

