Shannon Royden-Turner
CEO Alchemist | Growth & Investment Strategist | Unlocking Capital for Africa’s Future
Working at the difficult intersection of environmental degradation, climate change, poverty & inequality, urban development and governance is personally super demanding work.
Often clouded in conflict and tough trade-off decisions, it can feel quite relentless and mostly thankless.
You probably feel like you just running from one fire to the next? Never really getting on top of it. Never actually making the kind of progress or impact you'd love to make!
If you are driven to make a difference in the world, to create some kind of meaningful change that can address at least a part of the crazy big challenges we face in the world, then I'm pretty certainty that you too feel frustrated by the slow progress.
Get coached by me for free so that you can accelerate progress, work effectively with others without going crazy.
- Know that you're making the right decisions.
- Get the support you need to make progress.
- Influence others to think and act differently.
This FREE 4 part weekly masterclass series is packed with everything I've learnt about how to make this happen without loosing my mind.
Starting Wednesday 19th February 2020.