Fruits Highest in Sugar

Fruits Highest in Sugar

Fruits have an endless amount of benefits. Unlike processed foods that are packed full of added sugars, fruit contains natural sugar, fructose. Majority of fruits are comprised of around 85% water, so they are also a good source of hydration. Fruit is also full of fibre, which helps the body to slow the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the blood stream.

Like anything, there is such thing as too much. Consuming large amounts of fruit everyday has the potential to spike blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous for those with type 2 diabetes. ?

This is not to say remove fruit from your diet, as fruit is a key part in a balanced and nutritious diet. However, it is helpful to be aware of fruits with high and low sugar levels to understand what an ideal serving of fruit looks like.


Difference in Natural Sugar and Refined Sugar

Natural sugar is sugar that occurs naturally. Such as fructose in fruit, in lactose found in dairy products, or in carbohydrates. Refined sugar can be from a natural source, however it has likely been processed and is generally in the form of white sugar, brown sugar, coconut sugar, palm sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Natural sugars occurring in fruit, vegetables, dairy products and some carbohydrates including brown rice is okay to eat more of. Foods with ‘added sugar’ should be had in moderation. Honey in your muesli bar, or cane sugar in natural yoghurt are included in this. Processed sugar should be consumed in small amounts. This type of sugar has been extracted from sugar cane. This sugar has very few nutritional benefits and is quite high in calories.

Artificial sweeteners have no nutritional benefit, however people prefer to add this to their coffee instead of regular white sugar as it contains a lot less calories. Artificial sweeteners are often found in sugar-free or diet drinks, to replace that sugary taste.

The top five fruits with the highest sugar content:


One cup of pomegranate seeds is equivalent to around 24 grams of sugar! Nonetheless, pomegranates are full of antioxidants just as anthocyanins which supports heart health.


One medium size mango equates to roughly 1 – 1 ? cups. In a single cup of mango there is 23 grams of sugar, but this also works out to be two-thirds of the daily recommended vitamin C intake.


Try to limit the amount of cherries consumed during the holiday period, as one cup of cherries is around 20 grams of sugar.


Bananas have so many nutritional benefits, such as incredibly high in potassium, vitamin B6, and a good energy source before a workout!


Although oranges are higher in sugar, they have so many other benefits for the body. Oranges the best way to get your vitamin C intake in each day, as well as being full of fibre.

Try to get your daily serving of fruits from fresh fruit, instead of in a juice, as when juiced, a decent amount of fibre is lacking compared to the whole fruit.?

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Five fruits lowest in sugar:


An entire avocado only has roughly one gram of sugar! Between the low sugar levels and high level of healthy fats, avocados will be your best friend! Avocados are so versatile, you can add them to your morning toast, smoothie or salad.


Berries beat most other fruits when it comes to antioxidants and low sugars. One cup of raspberries contains 5 grams of sugar. Raspberries are also the fruit highest in fibre.


Blackberries contain around 7 grams of sugar per cup… and of course high in antioxidants.


Similar to blackberries, strawberries also contain 7 grams of sugar per cup. Not only are they low in sugar, they are also high in vitamin C- why you may find yourself eating strawberries when you are sick!


Lucky kiwis can be bought all year round, as each kiwi contain 6.7 grams of sugar, and are also rich in vitamin C!




About Pro Health Care

Our ethos and core values have stemmed from the work of three prominent General Practitioners working within the Western Suburbs of Adelaide from which Pro Health Care was founded in 2007. The commitment, time and care they gave their patients over 35 years is the cornerstone of our philosophy.

Since then, our medical centres have been structured around our patients as we emphasise a holistic approach to managing health and well-being through doctor’s services and multi-disciplinary care — whether it be general medical, physiotherapy, podiatry or anything in between. The medical framework through which we operate focuses on collaborative reasoning and communication, a combination of values which we believe is the path to achieving the highest possible standards of care for our patients. Visit our website?here.


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