Frozen shoulder caused by liver problems
Shiatsu Naya
Japanese Shiatsu anma massage therapist (national license) Kochi Shiatsu massage Method? Seminar teacher
Hi Everyone,This is Naoya Kochi, a founder of Kochi Method.
How are you? I am Kochi, the founder of Kochi Method.
We go over many treatment methods for different symptoms in Kochi Method seminars but for this we'll be doing frozen shoulder.
What interesting about this symptoms based on treatment results is that in many cases the source is not in the shoulders.
In most cases we thing that the source is inflammations in the shoulder joints or the joint itself, but thought the use of Kochi Method most people are relieved of their shoulder pain through treatment of other areas.
Of course we treat the shoulder as well in cases when the shoulder is the source.
What I want you to keep in mind is that because effects from other areas are also big, means that you need to think about other areas as you do treatments.
Has there been any pain caused by weakening of organ functions? You can understand it better by learning Kochi Method techniques.
Of the organs the liver affects frozen shoulders the most.
Weakening of the liver worsens shoulder movements.
I Kochi Method theme 7 we learn about organ treatments, and by participating in that seminar to learn the skills you can understand how much organs affects pain and mental stress.
What you mustn't forget is that the opposite shoulder could be affecting it.
Which means the painless side might be the problem.
For example, have you met someone who who got their frozen shoulder on one side fixed but then the opposite side got frozen shoulder?
What this means is that frozen shoulder could be caused by the other shoulder.
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