#FrontlineEndingFGM media campaigns in Kenya reached over 13 million people with anti-FGM messages through five TV and radio campaigns
Global Media Campaign to End FGM
Using media to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
#FrontlineEndingFGM campaigners in Kuria persuaded KTN (above) to cover the huge surge in cutting in the region- as traditional communities resisted calls to stop cutting. An estimated 1.9 million viewers watched the KTN report .
Viewers and listeners heard calls from police, religous leaders and the government FGM board for an end to FGM in Kuria, Kajiado, Mandera, West Pokot and Garissa counties.
The local and national media campaigns run by #FrontlineEndingFGM came as FGM figures surged in Kenya this December. #FrontlineEndingFGM campaigners used Citizen TV to reach a further 13 million people demanding an end to school holiday cutting.
But police in Kuria, south-western Kenya were even forced to watch public parades ahead of FGM ceremonies due to fear of attacks from traditional communities.
It's estimated that over 500 girls were cut in Kuria during the school holidays with mutilation ceremonies taking place daily. Cess Wangui, the Programme Director at the FGM grassroots organisation, Zinduka, said 436 girls also fled to shelters to escape the cut in Kuria. Climate change has also led to a seen a surge in FGM in Kenya as families are forced to marry off and mutilate their girls to pay for grass for the cattle.
A new report by the EU in Guinea Bissau found that where FrontlineEndingFGM Campaigners brought their Born Perfect Women's Caravans... carrying religious leaders, politicians, musicians, village by village condemning the practices. Support for FGM fell dramatically. Watch out for the full EU report in the next #FrontlineEndingFGM newsletter on February 17th.
8/10 people who saw the #FrontlineEndingFGM's Born Perfect Women's Caravan pledge not to cut their daughters.
More about #BornPerfect Caravans.