The FrontEdge Manifesto
I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. I started thinking about our company values and the culture I want to build. I have a very clear vision in my head of the kind of company I would like FrontEdge IT to be, but how can I share that vision with everyone? I keep telling it over and over to candidates, friends and customers, but sometimes I feel that I have a hard time explaining it the way I want. So, thinking about this I got the idea of writing a manifesto - the FrontEdge Manifesto.
This manifesto should in a simple way explain what FrontEdge culture is all about. Here is the first draft! Have mercy on my spontaneous act, needless to say, I would really love to get some feedback on this :)
The FrontEdge Manifesto
This manifesto was created to break down what it means to be an IT-Consultant working for FrontEdge IT. The foundation is our core values of happiness, agility and professionalism, inspiration by both the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and the manifesto for Software Craftsmanship
FrontEdge IT’s core business is being absolute experts within the broad field of software development, we value passion for self-improvement and the ever-burning flame of curiosity for new Technology. An IT consultant at FrontEdge should always aim to reach a higher understanding when it comes to software development (Dev) and its operations (Ops).
We are Craftsmen, proud of our craft which we fine-tune to perfection. We help our fellow colleagues at FrontEdge to become stronger, more competent programmers, by sharing and learning.
It’s essential to keep improving, the greatest reward for us is not monetary, but rather gaining a greater knowledge That’s why we expect all people at FrontEdge to attend our knowledge-sharing events and after-works, which is mostly after working hours, with no other salary than increased knowledge and free food. Of course, as top-tier programmers we will earn our fair share of money, and all time and effort spent gaining, sharing and improving will not go unrewarded.
Rather than asking – “what’s in it for me”, we focus on “how can I help”. With that attitude, great possibilities, responsibilities and opportunities will follow automatically, or if you prefer automagically.
We are value-focused, never forgetting that someone pays us for what we do and expects us to perform and deliver quality and value. Its up to each consultant to make sure that the customer is satisfied and that we create and deliver true value to our end-users. It’s a natural part of our agile way of working to gain understanding of purpose and business value by talking to our peers (customers/end-users/project managers etc.). Courage is an important part of our character, and we should never be afraid of questioning decisions and keep asking questions to gain a true understanding, only then can we deliver the greatest value.
Fredrik Lunde, CEO at FrontEdge IT
Advascale- Co-founder I Airmed - Co-founder
1 年Fredrik, thanks for sharing.
Chief Jungle Officer | Brainspot Innovation
6 年Gillar andan/stilen. Mindre f?rtjust i ”professionalism”, andas lite traditionell o opersonlig kultur f?r mig. Gillar nyfikenhet/perfektionism b?ttre. H?nger b?ttre ihop med happiness & agile f?r mig.