Tuesday, January 19, 2021
For the reader that is so able to be blessed to read this;
My name is Rick Snyder, who is very blessed to be alive in this day and time. For the last 20 years, I have dealt with my condition as a quadriplegic. There have been many challenges that I've had to face over the years. When I was 17 I made some mistakes of which I had to pay my dues to society, which cost me eight years of my life. After serving my time, many people were skeptical that I would not stay out of jail or prison. I even remember a prison guard whom I quote, “You might as well throw that Bible in the trash because you’ll be back next week.” This made me very bound and determined that I would prove everybody wrong who had their doubts about me. I had studied vigorously going through trade school in which I successfully obtained my HVAC license. I applied for many jobs in this field in the first three months. Many companies told me that I would not get hired due to my felony record, because insurances would not cover me. However, the owner of Byrd Mechanical was gracious enough to give me a chance in his company. In showing my gratitude for the opportunity that he gave me I did not let Mr. Byrd down. As a reward for my hard work, I received three promotions from him in a three-month span, as well as a generous pay raise twice. Going from the eight dollars an hour, I started at, to $25 an hour. So as you can see I was doing very well. An unfortunate set of events transpired shortly after that resulting in a car accident that almost took my life. I have always believed in God; however my faith was not always strong. I know our Lord Jesus Christ, has strengthened my faith along the way. Even despite the accident, He spared my life, and yet showed me the way to successfully finish my parole instead of prison. Even though this accident changed the course of my life drastically, I stayed optimistic. Even in the difficult times Jesus was in front of me leading the way. For those of you who don't know what quadriplegia is, it is a break in the spinal cord. My break in the spinal cord is of C6-C7 range, which is paralysis from the chest down. I am only considered a quadriplegic due to my hands; otherwise I would be a paraplegic. This condition has many challenges; they can bring a person down. However, with Jesus leading the way and moral support from my friends and family, I have gotten through the last 20 years. I have tried multiple times to go back to work in some field. Jobs are very limited to begin with for people of my stature. Yet there have been many obstacles due to the rules and regulations of our fine government. I am still bound and determined to accomplish my goals. This is why the letter that you find in your hand is so important. I have tried in so many ways to obtain a handicap van that has a ramp to accommodate transporting me with my wheelchair. There are very limited resources to obtain such thing when you are on supplemental Social Security. It's very funny, that they will allow a person of my stature to own a vehicle. But will not allow you to earn the income to purchase one. I have tried in many ways, including D. A. R. S. Programs, to obtain the handicap vehicle. Even though I already had my license at the time, I still went through their vigorous training and testing of which I completed successfully. I took the test twice and aced it both times using their test vehicle. Even though this was a great accomplishment, they chose not to help me. Their rules and regulations require that I purchase a brand-new vehicle which must be paid for in advance, with no payments left. The average American in all 50 states cannot afford to purchase a brand-new vehicle and pay cash for it. I, being on supplemental Social Security income, definitely could not accomplish this in a lifetime. So I guess the program only applies to the rich. Why is such a vehicle a necessity for me, you might ask? I am glad you asked. It is very difficult, especially when we have weather that is not accommodating, to transfer from the chair to the car. Also my loved ones and friends have to take the chair apart in order to fit it in the car (not fun in thunderstorms or heat). None of us are getting any younger, so this task gets harder each year. So I am reaching out to you to do at least one of three things:
1. Put me in touch with someone who has a vehicle of this nature to donate.
2. Visit my go fund me page, watch the videos, share the go fund me page and donate to the cause
3. Pass this letter and its attachments to anyone who might be able to help in any way shape or form.
I won't take up any more of your time. I do want to thank you for taking the time to read this in its entirety. Any help and feedback you may be able to provide would be appreciated. At the end of this letter I will post links to videos, and my go fund me page, as well as my Face book page. My pastor and his family, my family and my loved ones, as well as my friends have all teamed up to either help me in sharing all this or contributing what they can to help me reach this goal. I cannot stress enough the necessity and benefit for having this type of vehicle to accommodate the special need. I ask you, in the eyes of God, please don’t ignore this. Thank you for your time and consideration. Much love and God bless you.
Sincerely yours,
Rick Snyder