Quality obsessed and Agile enthusiast professional / Freelance hands-on software testing specialist and test coach / Blogger / Interpreter / Catalan Proofreader / Radio host / Humane Technologist
From Arbitrary Technical Decision To Bug: It’s Just a Matter of Time…
Here you can find the links to all the installments of #FromArbitraryTechnicalDecisionToBug: a miniseries about software testing, legacy code and the impact of wrong assumptions or arbitrary technical decisions on software products.
- Over 50 (the first issue of this miniseries was inspired by a LinkedIn bug)
- Don't stop me now (in this article, I talk about medical devices and an unexpected time-out)
- Under control (finally, in the third/last installment of this miniseries, I talk again about medical devices, a complaint to investigate and a mysterious buffer)
By the way, how is your company dealing with legacy code?
Are you deliberately challenging your assumptions or are you just waiting for the moment your arbitrary technical decisions have a dramatic impact on your software products?
Just asking…