From Yawn to "Yey": Secrets to Engaging Conversations

From Yawn to "Yey": Secrets to Engaging Conversations


Have you ever found yourself in a room full of people, trying to share an idea, only to notice people’s eyes glaze over? It's a moment we've all dreaded: realizing that our message, no matter how important or exciting to us, fails to captivate those we’re speaking to.

This scenario is all too common, whether at networking events or internal meetings, where the first 12 words you speak could either captivate your audience or have them heading for the door.

At networking events, the question “What do you do?” often leads to the usual job title response...and instantly, you can see the disinterest.

But what if you could not only capture but also maintain the undivided attention of your network, making them hang onto your every word and even beg to learn more?

This isn't about using gimmicks or becoming someone you're not. It's about mastering the art and science of engagement.

This week I had the pleasure of attending a Women in Insolvency and Restructuring Victoria (WIRV) – a truly a brilliant gathering.

The level of engagement that unfolded around our table was nothing short of remarkable. You could scroll down to discover what happened or take a moment to delve into the transformative power of storytelling.


The Power of Storytelling

Why do stories hold such sway over our hearts and minds? Since the dawn of time, humans have been hardwired to respond to stories. They help us make sense of the world, passing on lessons, values, and experiences.

Why Stories Captivate

Stories do more than entertain; they are crucial tools for communication. Research, including findings by the renowned Professor Uri Hasson, 美国普林斯顿大学 , shows that storytelling activates not only the language processing areas of our brains but also the regions we would use when experiencing the story's events ourselves. This immersive experience renders stories exceptionally effective for making complex information memorable and forging a strong emotional connection with your audience.

Crafting Your Story

So, how can you tell a story that resonates? It's less about inventing tales and more about uncovering the narrative in your experiences in a way that strikes a chord with your audience.

  1. Start with the message you wish to convey, then find a personal experience or analogy that illustrates this point.
  2. Maintain authenticity, focus on the emotions involved, and ensure there is a clear beginning, middle, and end to your story.
  3. Aim to make your audience see themselves in your story, bridging the gap between you and them, rendering your message unforgettable.

Leveraging Curiosity

Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it also keeps your network coming back for more. It's the drives the question, "What happens next?" encouraging your audience to stay engaged and eager to explore your ideas.

The Psychology of Curiosity

Curiosity is an innate human instinct, driving us to resolve uncertainties and comprehend the world. Presenting your audience with a teaser or puzzle taps into this powerful motivator. It’s not merely about withholding information; it’s about presenting your message in a way that compels people to think, “I need to know more about this.”

Practical Tips for Sparking Curiosity

To pique curiosity, find a balance between revealing and concealing information. Start with an intriguing question or a surprising fact that challenges common beliefs. End with a cliffhanger or promise of more to come, leaving your audience in suspense and wanting more.

WIRV Mentor Networking Event

Imagine a typical networking event. You meet, exchange names and companies. But what if the introduction could be more engaging? When Biljana Vuckovic (aka Billie) introduced herself not just as a professional but as a kickboxer who, in her spare time, helps clients navigate tricky situations, she immediately captured everyone’s attention. The conversation that unfolded around her hobby and its motivations made everyone at the table—and even those at adjacent tables—take notice, driven by curiosity.

Whilst Billie and I had planned her curious introduction, what happened next was networking with purpose at hyper impact.

Billie then helped Tamara Parker refine her introduction and in turn both of them help Natalie Rossi with hers

The spontaneous flow of engaging everyone in refining their introductions was not unexpected. Questions about a yellow duck on our table sparked laughter—not at the question, but at the realisation of how powerful curiosity can be.

In less than 10 minutes we had captivated not just our table but those around us, promoting interaction far beyond superficial conversation.

However there was a missing part....

Mastering the Call to Action (CTA)

The typical follow-up is connecting on LinkedIn, a step most take but one that often fails to deepen relationships. The key is to foster these connections in person, allowing for natural, pressure-free interaction. This approach not only accelerates interest but cements the value proposition of networking events.

Leaders are often looking for tangible ROI’s from networking. Over the last two decades these simple steps when applied with real accountable actions deliver an average 12x ROI within 12 months.

How do your current networking efforts measure up in hard dollar terms?



As we've explored the art of captivating your network, remember the simple process:

  1. Storytell,
  2. Invoke Curiosity, and
  3. Accelerate the CTA.

These elements are crucial not just for capturing attention but for cultivating deep, lasting connections with your audience.

The ultimate secret? Authenticity and passion. When you're genuinely excited about your message and committed to delivering value, it resonates. Your enthusiasm becomes infectious, your stories more compelling, and your invitations to engage, irresistible. This authenticity transforms casual listeners into loyal followers.

I challenge you: Apply these strategies with your unique voice and watch your network transform. Become a beacon of intrigue and insight, and you'll find people don't just listen; they engage, share, and eagerly anticipate what you have to say next.



Gordon Jenkins

??Turning ideas into action and making every day count ?? Accredited LEGO? Serious Play? Method Facilitator ?? 2024 Titan Award Winner: Executive and Professionals - Mentor of the Year

6 个月

Biljana, Tamara, Natalie what a great conversation we had. Jacqueline and the Women in Insolvency and Restructuring Victoria (WIRV) committees well done on an awesome evening.
