From the war devastated Syria to the Kingdom of Sweden. And further more...

From the war devastated Syria to the Kingdom of Sweden. And further more...

Imagine yourself first forcefully leaving your family and home and then migrating to a foreign country where you have absolutely nothing and where everything is new to you. No parents, friends or colleagues around you, no home, no money, no nothing big or small that you are used to. Add to that different culture, language you never heard before, society you have never been a part of...

Word challenge gets a whole new meaning.

On May 18th 2017 I wrote an article about my syrian adept Jemil al Hussein. Jemil has been in Sweden only for two years (he is 21 years old) but he has already made a huge progress in his life and in a adapting to the Swedish society since coming here in a pair of shoes and some clothes on him.

Jemil speaks swedish language (not yet fluently but enough that you can talk to him on any matter), he has a full time job as a child caretaker at a daycare center (where kids adore him) while at the same time he is studying for a child caretaker (to have a proper education). But he wants to study at the university and become IT engineer in years ahead.

Just recently he got his driving license when he passed both theory and driving at a first attempt (for you people living in Stockholm, you know how 'easy' that is). But he doesn't stop there... After his work, he goes to the library to read books (swedish language and society, english, IT...), he plays music on his instrument, goes to the local gym, meets his new friends in Sweden...

When I met Jemil yesterday for a cup of coffee and a walk in downtime Stockholm, one of his first questions to me was: Armin, can you help me find an extra job on evenings or weekends? So I took him to a friend of mine who runs a coffee shop in Gamla Stan (Old City) where he will probably start working extras during the summer. This friend of mine also runs the coffee shop inside The Royal Castle from the day shop opens each year: on the Swedish National Day. So in a few months Jemil might be working inside The Royal Castle too.

And while I am there: my friend who runs the coffee shop – yes, she was a refugee too, 26 years ago fleeing from the war raging in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now she has The King's trust being the only one to run a coffee shop inside The Royal Castle – something no one was ever allowed to do before her.

The future is Jemils. And his own. And it will be great, I can promise you that.

Yes, as you can see I am very proud of my friend for a very good reason. So many times he could have take a different path, more 'easy' path som people choose in a similar situation. But no. He decided to be a good citizen, to behave, to study, to work, to fight against all odds – and at the same time to have a great heart being such a humble person he really is. Person I am so happy that I have met in my life, person whom I can call a friend.

If you who are reading this – as a an educator or employer – want to come in touch with Jemil, don't hesitate to contact me. You want regret.

Don't judge people by the color of their skin, religion or backgrund. Age or sex. Judge them by how good or bad they are as humans and in their profession.

Azra Bajramovic

Nynas Management System & Compliance Governor p? Nynas ABs

7 年

I wish him all the best on his journey ??



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