From Under What Rock Do These Reporters Crawl?
In today’s paper is an article by an Associated Press reporter. He opens with the headline American Influence Waning Under Trump and goes on to says it’s whispered in the halls of NATO, in China, and in Russia, all talking of a changing world order where the U.S. has less influence.
One must presume that the reporter believes and equates our kowtowing to other countries, allowing them to take advantage of unequal trade, calling for our destruction while accepting billions in aid, and roiling in anger over Trump insisting they pay their own way as our losing our influence. When in fact it’s exactly the opposite. Interesting that the ever more powerful dollar, the increase in every aspect of individual and corporate American wealth, the growing power of our military is looked upon as a loss of influence?
I, too, believe the world is talking. They’re wondering if America has found a set of brass nuts again, and praying (those that pray), that Trump will get tired of slapping them around and insist they stand up for themselves and get the hell off America’s tit.