From the top of his jerry curled head, to the bottom of his feet, Watson Duke is an egomaniacal, corrupt, semi-literate fraud
The Institution of the Media is one of the Institutions that validates Watson Duke and Leroy Baptiste
The PSA’s Watson Duke and Leroy Baptiste = betrayal and abandonment
The attached Consent Orders dated December 09, 2009 and April 22, 2013 tell a story of
The Worst, Most Profound Case of Betrayal You Will Ever Encounter – The Worst Abuse of Elected Power you Will Ever See What makes it the worst – I supported and helped them in every way; they used my name and my issue in their election fight against Jennifer Baptiste’s wannabe, Stephen Thomas; I helped these ungodly Judases get elected on Election Day – like so many others helped them; I naively withdrew my Legal Claim against their PSA on December 09, 2009 (hence the Consent Order;) I wrote the speech they presented in Parliament – what were my thanks, what was my reciprocity: a deeply cutting betrayal. My nightmare darkened and crashed; their dream lightened and launched into the stars. They built their dreams on the nightmares of the supporters they betrayed. Judas’s intentions were good, when he realized his sin, he hung himself; Leroy/Duke instead prospered while they ensured you were hung.
Duke and Leroy betrayed me not with a kiss, but with the hiss... of a snake, but even this metaphor is a … mistake: a snake is a nobler creature than these incredibly greedy, decadent, rotten “Trade Union†executives. In betraying me for a few pieces of silver and access to a vast repository of easy, vapid vagina, these “honourable†men violated a Consent Order. They were directed by the Court to pursue all my grievances and/or Trade Disputes to full redress. They instead immediately abandoned me and began secretly negotiating all kinds of pay, promotions, contracts, properties and other benefits for themselves – while persistently lying to me about handling my grievance/Dispute. When the Ministry of Labour wrote and asked for more details of my Dispute, they ignored the Ministry. They told me nothing. They violated every canon of Trade Union life by secretly negotiating with the biggest employer – the Government. The PSA’s Constitution mandates that PSA reps represent “the interest and welfare†of their members – not themselves. Yet, Duke, Leroy Baptiste and their gang of hypocrites, parasites and frauds corruptly negotiated for themselves everything they were duty bound to negotiate for their members. They made me spend substantial money on legal fees, filing a Legal Claim to compel them to do what they had personally assured me they would do: Duke lied to me, assuring that he would refer my grievance to the Minister of Labour as a Trade Dispute and then assign a Senior Counsel to same (Dispute: the failure of WASA to give me all the pay, promotions and other entitlements I lost while under a four and a half year unlawful suspension.) And then he and Leroy instead betrayed me – I was forced to defend and represent myself against a CEO, Ganga Singh and a Director, HR, Ken Mahabir – who they said were obsessed with dismissing me. They exchanged my and other members’ welfare for their enrichment. Duke and Leroy came, they saw and then they … abandoned me in a hellish, humiliating hole where an inexperienced, mercenary, less qualified, misled, deluded woman, Ellen Lewis, hid me in plain sight in a 10 by 10 cell with three entry level employees; directed me to report to a manager who was once my very junior subordinate; to replace an arrogant, unmannerly, junior, laughably ill qualified snob, Gregory Roxborough, who never spoke to me; to produce a strategic corporate communications plan without staff or resources; and then she had me warned and tried to transfer me. Leroy Baptiste, Duke and Christopher Joefield stopped answering their phones and became inaccessible. Every time I tried to meet, Leroy/Duke would be busy in conference, cozying up to some sexy female member.
I was once again forced to represent myself, to pay attorneys to represent me in WASA, to pay attorneys to file Actions against the PSA simply to get Leroy/Duke to do their core duty and to still pay Union dues. Understand this, Leroy Baptiste, Mervyn Gibson, Shurland John and their wrecking careers crew, when reinstated after their dismissal, ensured that WASA provided them with all the pay, promotions, staff and resources and MUCH MORE, yet equally ensured that when reinstated I was provided with less than nothing.
Previous to my abandonment, what worried me was that Duke/Leroy, on one hand told me to keep my cool when I returned to work and on the other, to refrain from writing to the CEO, as this may lead to summary dismissal, “Ganga Singh want yuh head, boy.†To me, this seemed callous, if not insensitive, strange and unwise. Why didn’t they just do their duty, do what they promised me they would do, and do what they were obligated to do under the IRA and the Consent Order: simply refer my dispute to the Minister. Leroy/Duke - these sadistic, greedy, slippery vampires - wanted me to continue to endure humiliation, threats and oppression, to continue to acquiesce to the denial of every entitlement attached to my post, while they continued to access and enjoy all the benefits of their positions – and more. Leroy/Duke terrifyingly morphed into the vampire Jennifer Baptiste – the vampire that sucked their blood and created them What happened was frighteningly similar to the circumstances that existed previous to the filing of my High Court Actions against the PSA in 2001 and 2007: then, after numerous requests for representation and for the referral of my dispute, I was insulted and slandered by President Jennifer Baptiste and her 1st VP, Stephen Thomas. Leroy/Duke mimicked her every amoral move. But they are worse than Jennifer Baptiste: I did not confide in, support and help Jennifer Baptiste. Insanely, they even told their groupies that I should be grateful for what they did for me, but they did less than nothing. When I filed my Legal Claim against them, they did not contest it. The resulting Consent Order, dated April 22, 2013, is attached. No person, organization or institution did or is doing anything to stop this corruption, exploitation and greed. The media are along for the ride, it’s a joke to them.
This shameless example of the betrayal/sellout of workers/members cries out for amendments to the Industrial Relations Act. It is a testament to the failure of the democratic process, to how a democracy can easily mutate into a dictatorship. There is no Union representation in WASA.
Mephistopheles/Ganga Singh whispered in their ears, hear me my dears, “the kingdoms of the world in exchange for your members’ welfare and for your soulsâ€; their response: “we live by bread alone, show us some more bread!†Leroy/Duke took the bread out of worthy members’ mouths and gave it to themselves and to their relatives, friends and to their prostitutes. Like hyenas and vultures, these hungry, opportunist Managers/Unionists feed off your kill. They think big: they would not betray, slander and sacrifice workers if the bribe was small. Where were Ganga Singh and his gang of overpaid, overrated posturers -- where were Leroy/Duke and their porcine pack when for 20 years I was working for peanuts in remote, unsafe, unhealthy, derelict Waterworks stations with drug and sex criminals.